Welcome to the Australian Bush Poets Association


WELCOME. Membership of the Australian Bush Poets Association (ABPA) is comprised of writers, performers and individuals who are interested in bush poetry and enjoy written and live stories in rhyme and metre. If you have an interest in this piece of Australian culture called bush poetry, you have come to the right place.

The objectives of the Australian Bush Poets Association are to foster and encourage the growth of bush poetry in Australia. By definition, Australian bush poetry is metred and rhymed poetry about Australia, Australians and/or the Australian way of life.

To join the Australian Bush Poets Association and receive our bi-monthly magazine, go to our Membership page.

The ABPA keeps in touch with its members through this website (and forum) and our bi-monthly magazine of bush poetry news, events, results of written and performance competitions as well as samples of contemporary bush poetry. Many members have books, CDs and other products. These can be advertised in the magazine. For rates, click here. The deadline for ads and other content for the magazine is the 22nd of the month preceding publication. Magazines are published at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October and December.

ABPA Facebook page Check out our Facebook page.

Hervey Bay Bush Poets Blossoming

Bay Bush Poets

The Bay Bush Poets have hit the ground running with lots of fantastic poetry, yarn spinning and words from our own resident Banjo Paterson expert. He even has an original, hand written open verse poem by Banjo, A B Paterson, of his own!

The morning was even more exciting with Bill and Meg Gordon from WA sharing their own and other writers work.

Jan Facey was fabulous as she always is. Jan stayed on to share writing and performing tips with new, inexperienced Poets as well as sharing her own rivetting, sometimes hilarious poems. After some considerable persuasion Jan shared the fact that she had won the “Bronze swagman” poetry competition and many other bush poetry milestones. Even with her health issues Jan was keen to help as well as perform. She said that she was very impressed by the group and the fact that so many write their own poetry.

One of the attendees is a ridgey-didge retired stockman who spent most of his life working out West of Bourke as a ringer. His stories are fabulous. Another of the group is a horsewoman who tutors riders and writes heartfelt poetry about this and other experiences.

The group is very fortunate to have 5 poetry lovers that want to attend so that they can hear the poetry but not perform it. This is beaut because many groups are caught up in performing bush poetry exclusively to bush poets.

There was a certain inexplicable feeling of “I’ve found my tribe” which was expressed by almost all of those who attended. It seems that the Bay Bush Poets are bound for success and that they are yet another new group in Queensland. Bush poetry is far from dead – it is alive and thriving! The group will meet again at the Hervey Bay library on the 22nd of June, 9.15 am, all are welcome. For more information please call Mick Martin 042 15 14 555 or email .

Boondooma Bush Poetry Competition

On the 26 April 2024, the Spirit of the Bush – Balladeers & Heritage Muster festival was held at Boondooma, Queensland. This event consisted of 6 days of country music and bush poetry. As part of the event a Bush Poetry competition was held for novice and intermediate poets. The competition was kindly sponsored by the Bundaberg Poets society and organised and run by Brian and Lesley Weier with the aim of encouraging new and aspiring Bush Poets to grow their talent. Entrants shared in the $1800 prize money donated by the Bundaberg Poets Society.

Peter and Gerry
Peter Frazer and Gerry Mannion.

The event was divided into two sections: Novice and Intermediate (poets who have not won a competition before). There were 3 classes for each section: Traditional, Modern and Original.

Special thanks to the judges: Gary Fogarty, Jennifer Bell and Neil McArthur (pictured above), and to Suzanne Honour who acted as scrutineer. The event was well supported with entrants from the local areas as well as clubs across South east Queensland.

Boondooma Poets

It was great to see the strength and enthusiasm of new and emerging Bush Poets and how they were welcomed onboard by the more seasoned poets who performed on the main stage over the 6 days.

Howard Kennedy
Howard Kennedy performing.

Results here.

Peter Frazer, Queensland Rep.

Past Magazines now online

The historic magazines of the ABPA from its inception in 1994 are now available here. See how we used to look!

See previously featured poets.

See previously featured achievers.