© Brenda Joy
Winner 2013, Laura Literary Awards – C.J. Dennis Poetry Award, Laura, South Australia.
Through northern, tropic, cyclone force
monsoonal surge from laden skies
propels inland without remorse
and ends the years of constant ‘Drys’.
Monsoonal surge from laden skies
rejuvenates the wind-swept plains
till all invasive torrents rise
from all-pervading summer rains…
…rejuvenates the wind-swept plains
till Channel country further west
receives the wealth from flood’s remains
as stony, sandstone soils are blessed.
Till Channel country further west
through ancient web of water-ways
indulges flowing current’s quest
rewarding unperturbed assays.
Through ancient web of water-ways
the wave of aqua winds its course
by lowest paths of network maze
with slow but unrelenting force.
The wave of aqua winds its course
as interweaving circuits seek
to funnel as a single force
to reach the scar of inland creek.
As interweaving circuits seek,
the desert landscape’s over-powered
by swollen swell. Past dune and peak
a dried-out river bed is scoured.
The desert landscape’s over-powered.
A seeping serpent surges past
the sun-kissed ridges that have towered
like sandstone spines that wind has cast.
A seeping serpent surges past
sienna, iron-oxide sands
and snakes its course through Simpson’s vast
un-trodden, wild and windswept lands.
Sienna, iron-oxide sands
devoid of living plant or tree,
bear witness as a lake expands
into a giant, inland sea.
Devoid of living plant or tree,
Australia’s lunar-landscape lake
has crusted for ‘eternity’ —
a saline surface left to bake.
Australia’s lunar-landscape lake
within a realm of endless space,
becomes transformed as waters break
from Warburton’s torrential race.
Within a realm of endless space
the Eyre becomes a paradise,
a white façade of crystal lace,
as life renewing waters rise.
The Eyre becomes a paradise —
surreal, lustrous, new-born sheen,
that sparkles under cobalt skies
in rippled waves, translucent green.
Surreal, lustrous, new-born sheen,
as seeds of life regenerate
around its far-horizoned scene,
the spores of Nature emanate.
As seeds of life regenerate,
the desert landscape comes alive.
Whilst infiltrating floods abate
awakened eco systems thrive.
The desert landscape comes alive.
A symphony of sound resounds
as far-flown creatures’ voices strive
to propagate wild, wind-worn grounds.
A symphony of sound resounds
where rainbows paint the rustic sands
and Nature’s festival abounds
in harmony with God’s commands.
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