AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBISH!!

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Neville Briggs
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Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri May 06, 2011 11:30 am

You've got a remarkable heritage Manfred, and you've recorded it which I think is very significant.

I remember the days when many working men rode bicycles, carrying children and groceries etc.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by manfredvijars » Fri May 06, 2011 12:03 pm

Thanks for your kind comments Nev, Marty, Mauzie & Bob ...

There was also a down side amongst the 'reffos' and 'wogs'. Many of them had their own demons to battle, ghosts of the War, homelands in rubble, relocation to the other end of the Earth, struggle for acceptance and sociatal norms alien to their own. Coping mechanisms were sometimes found in the 'bottle' and more often than not wives and children bore the brunt of simmering frustrations.


Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by Heather » Fri May 06, 2011 12:49 pm

Even though many were leaving very difficult circumstances or escaping horrible memories, I think it is incredibly brave of anyone to migrate to a country they know little if anything of, and especially if the language spoken is different to their native tongue.

Not as hard now with modern communications but I think of our ancestors who travelled on small, crowded ships to an unknown world and uncertain future and left behind the only life they'd known and their families; often to never see them again.

Incredibly brave.

Heather :)

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Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by Terry » Sat May 07, 2011 11:31 pm

Great Story Manfred,
Many European migrants went through the same thing after the war, but to their great credit most did whatever task that was set them without complaining, and most eventually prospered.
I feel almost ashamed to admit that the first member of my family to come to Australia was made Town Constable in charge of convicts at Albany, I bet he was a tough old devil.
He had been a Sergeant in the British army and was originally stationed at Port Arthur in Tasmania. If I find the time I'll write a brief account of the family, as settlers they had an interesting history.

Cheers Terry


Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by manfredvijars » Sun May 08, 2011 11:31 am

Yes please Terry ...

Vic Jefferies
Posts: 1041
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Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by Vic Jefferies » Sun May 08, 2011 12:12 pm

Kids didn't wear shoes to school?
Short pants and long socks for boys?
Woolen swimming costumes?
You had to be home when the street lights came on?
We sang God Save the King every morning at school and saluted the flag?
You weren't allowed to use biros in school or on legal documents?
It was either a Speedwell or Malvern Star bike?
Nobody in your family had ever flown on an aeroplane?
When we used to call them aeroplanes?
TAA and ANA?
You stood up on the tram for all adults?
Skol suntan oil?
The pain of sunburn that Skol did not prevent?
Wine was mainly sherry, sweet sherry, muscat, muscatel, invalid port and wine drinking was generally frowned upon?
Wine bars where they sold fourpenny darks?
Home building materials were so scarce most newlyweds lived with their parents?
Toffee apples?
Biggles on the radio?
Keith Smith on TV?
Persil, Solvol, Lifebouy Soap?
Washing up dishes made out of kero tins?
Admiral, STC, Healing, Pye, AWA (real AWA) or any other of the many TV set brands?
Double sided ten inch 78s?
Walking to the local post office or corner shop to use the telephone?
The smell and dirt associated with traveling by steam train?
Castor oil?
John Harper on radio 2KY?
The newsreel, followed by the shorts, a cartoon, the b grade film then interval and the main movie for two shillings on Saturday night?
Getting dressed up to go to the "Pictures?"
Winning Post chocolates?
Canada Dry and Tarax soft drink as well as Cottees'Passiona?
A bloke's getting old alright!


Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by manfredvijars » Sun May 08, 2011 3:12 pm

Let me add to that Vic

Don't forget the 'flagons' of plonk
Lindberg Foster fridges
"Light up time" was announced on the radio for car drivers to turn on their lights
The "Argonoughts" (ABC)
Leonard Teale as Superman - "Up, up and away"
"Yes what!"
BP Pick a box
Sportco .22 single shot (my first rifle cost 12 Pounds)
Gelignite from the local hardware
Kids carrying rifles up the main street (bolt in one pocket ammo in the other)
a 'bunny' knife on your belt (in public)
visits to the tip
plundering dumped cars for their leather seats and rubber tyres to build ....
'Man' magazine (with air-brushed out 'naughty' bits)
rolling Jaffas at the pictures
annoying the 'kiss' nazi (with the torch) at the pictures
open air pictures with canvas slung chairs (Qld & WA)
running along the corregated iron walls of the pictures with a stick
running along corregated iron fences with a stick
cracker night
building bonfires
Daisy slug guns
three-penny bungers and letterboxes
fruit tree raids
swimming in the river
Mr 'Big' (Peters icecream)
Toppa icy poles

Jasper Brush

Re: AUSTRALIA a New Start - "Farr avay from ziss bludy RUBBI

Post by Jasper Brush » Sun May 08, 2011 4:17 pm

Very inspiring family story, Manfred.

I was born 1938, so I can relate to the history of the situations and hard work that was needed in those days.

The love for your parents, especially your father, shines through your short bio.

The poetry says it all.



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