Dawn on Anzac Day

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Dawn on Anzac Day

Post by Bellobazza » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:20 pm

Dawn on Anzac Day
© Will Moody 2010

“I’ll meet you at the cenotaph at dawn on Anzac Day.”
The blokes from my battalion...every year, that’s what we say.
We share a minute’s silence there, and then recite The Ode.
Recalling mates, forever young, and the debt that’s owed.

Then later on we muster ranks to march along the street
with military bands to spur on old and feeble feet.
The crowds will cheer as ever and they’ll keep us going strong...
all smiling, waving...weeping...as each unit stumps along.

And filling out our ranks there’ll be some there who are too young
to know the horrors seen by we old men they march among.
They’re marching for the honour of their father’s father’s name.
Though missing from their unit’s ranks, remembered just the same.

For every year among us march the ever-growing hosts
of those… “The Unforgotten”...our unseen comrades’ ghosts.
Already gone the diggers who had fought in The Great War;
and soon will all the veterens of The Second be no more.

Though time must take its toll on us, until we all are gone,
that bond that’s bound us all these years, I’m certain, will live on.
And ever shall my spirit come, though life be sped away...
“I’ll meet you at the cenotaph...at dawn...on Anzac Day."
"Each poet that I know (he said)
has something funny in his head..." CJD


Re: Dawn on Anzac Day

Post by Heather » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:40 pm

Lovely Will. The ranks are sadly thinning.

Heather :)

David J Delaney

Re: Dawn on Anzac Day

Post by David J Delaney » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:56 pm

Beautifully written poem & tribute, Will, well done mate.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Dawn on Anzac Day

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:32 pm

As always Will a touching poem beautifully crafted. Well done Particularly liked these lines
For every year among us march the ever-growing hosts
of those… “The Unforgotten”...our unseen comrades’ ghosts.

Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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