Where to from here

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Where to from here

Post by Terry » Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:22 pm

Hi all

I suppose we've all been wondering if we are going to continue with homework, it's been the saving grace of the forum for several years.
And all thanks to Maureen and her small band of dedicated Homeworkers, who are scattered all over the country.
Although most of us have never met in the flesh, speaking for myself and I suspect the rest of our group, I think of you all as very good friends.
Hopefully Maureen is just having a well-earned rest, but if not, someone will have to pick up the baton if we are to continue.
Another option is to take it in turn to put up prompts, I don't envy anyone trying to match the excellence of Maureen.
So, let's all hope that hope that Maureen will be back fully refreshed and ready to put the show on the road again.

Cheers All


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Re: Where to from here

Post by Ron » Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:51 am

G'day Terry,
Certainly agree with all you have put in that post mate, well said.

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