Old Bobby

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Ross Daly
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:30 pm

Old Bobby

Post by Ross Daly » Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:55 am

Old Bobby

Old Bobby was a boundary rider, from out the back of Bourke

Lived in a time warp, well; that’s because of his work

Not had much contact with, the rest of us outback folk

Knew horses, fencing, and fixing windmills; if broke

Lived a frugal existence, alone with his dog Rhett

Heard of the telephone; not seen one as yet

Night sky was his television, all snuggled up in flannel

Only problem; for city slickers, only one channel

Alone amongst the Mulga, accidents, they do happen

Out in Western Queensland near our station, Cudnappan

Old wild boar wanders out of the scrub, one dark, but moon-lit night

Comes across Bobby asleep, on the ground, gets one hell of a fright

Old Bobby wakes up, sees the threat; and without hesitation

Makes a hell of a noise, while waving both arms, in circular rotation

Wild boar in his haste, to flee away; to escape all this trouble

Tramples all over Bobby and leaves him prone, like a pile of rubble

One broken leg , with cuts and abrasions, he knows he must find help

Or he’ll be facing his maker, much sooner than he’d felt

He fashions a splint, and hobbles alone, along the dusty track

His horse has bolted; and, is not coming back

As luck would have it, we were only six miles away

As he comes up our drive, he’s dazed, and beginning to sway

We help him inside, and tend his immediate needs

Bandage him up, feed him a beer, and offer him a feed

So grateful is he, and how good he must feel

He insists on helping; preparing the evening meal

We try to decline but he says, “No. I’ll be alright”

Comes to the stove, kindling in hand, and sets it all alight

The oven is flaming: but hell, doesn’t he know!

The stoves a gas-one, and she’s ready to blow!

The flash is a blindin’, takes hold his bushy red beard

By the time that’s its out, it’s all black and seared

He’s out the front door, no goodbyes or as such

Never seen a man move so fast, on only one crutch

He cries out aloud without looking back

You could hear him for miles, along the track

Give me the spiders, wild boar, and the snakes

I’ll handle them all; whatever it takes

But one thing as certain, I’ll give you the wrap

Those houses with gadgets are a flamin’ death trap

Ross Daly

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Re: Old Bobby

Post by alongtimegone » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:01 pm

Poor old Bobby. Certainly wasn't his night. Enjoyed that Ross.

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Re: Old Bobby

Post by Ron » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:08 pm

Yeah sadly old Bobby was in a no win situation for sure!
In reality there are probably still quite a few of those old 'loner characters' out there, but the numbers would be dwindling no doubt, which is sad to see.
Enjoyed the read Ross,

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Old Bobby

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:18 pm

Oh dear, poor Bobby! But an enjoyable tale to read nonetheless, and it does make you think about those old loners out there too, as Ron says.

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