Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

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Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Ron » Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:08 pm

Spring Comes to Mind.
© Ron Boughton 19/9/23

I wandered down the pathways in the garden of my mind
where memories and dreams are bedded there,
plus seeds of thoughts, in positive or negative defined
by manifest in how our traits compare.
For they will grow as planted and are tended over time
for what we sow, of course, so shall we reap,
just as Spring unlocks the flowers, so can, alarm bell’s chime
awaken us from deepest peaceful sleep!

Where our subconscious has been busy, in those hours of sleep
there working on those seeds in our mindset,
for seasons change and so do we when little voices creep,
though some are really better to forget!
But sunshine makes us happy and in disposition shows
resulting in a positive outlook,
but gloomy days make gloomy ways as how perception flows
from deep within our brain's entrenched guidebook!

And as we feel the freshness and the vibrancy of Spring
the blossoms seem to say ‘here comes the sun,’
that can also lift the veils of anxiety and bring
a solace where all angst is then outdone!
So planting your own garden in the backblocks of the mind,
there done with positive seeds through and through,
It’s when those thoughts are cultivated that’s then we will find
the whole world is a garden there to view!

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:13 pm

This is lovely, Ron, and so true. "The gardens of our minds" certainly do have many seeds, and reaping what we sow is as certain as gravity - you have captured all of this just in the first stanza. I also like the way in which you've referred to those "little voices' that can cheer or torment us and then brought it around to the positive reminder that the sun will shine again - a delightful poem I really enjoyed reading!

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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Terry » Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:37 pm

Hi Ron

I also enjoyed reading your poem, and loved the way you worked it with the seeds planted in the garden of your mind.
So apt for most of us, and if they're cared for will blossom in the springtime's of our lives.
You wonder (well for some of us) just what more there could have been, with a little thought and care.



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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Ron » Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:35 pm

Thanks Catherine and Terry for the positive ( :D pun intended) feedback, it is much appreciated.
Yes it is amazing how the brain works isn't it, probably has to do overtime these days with all the 'information overload' that is pushed at us in these times. But it is still the most amazing computer.
Thank you both once again.

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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:44 am

Just beautiful Ron and so relatable - many of us as we age have to rely on those memories- and they still bring us joy. I am a great believer in planting positive seeds as well so I found much enjoyment in reading your words. You made excellent use of the prompts. Well done
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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Ron » Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:36 am

Thanks Maureen, I appreciate your kind feedback.
Yes as we look back we can see where a few more positive seeds may have helped (as Terry said in his reply 'just what more there could have been').
For us it's a bit like 'the old head on young shoulders' scenario I guess, so I know exactly what he means. But never the less it's never too late to see the positives. :D
Thanks again.

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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:26 pm

Lovely, Ron! The metaphors and similes paint such a vivid word picture.

Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework Sept. '23. Spring Comes to Mind.

Post by Ron » Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:15 am

Thanks Shelley, pleased that you enjoyed it. :D

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