Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

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Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Ron » Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:25 pm

A bit different I guess. :)

Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.
© Ron Boughton 24/8/23

Soft shadowed sunlight shimmered through the dome
Of towering blue gums lofty canopy,
Spotlighting sward of native grass and loam
On which a lyrebird danced all feathery.
His mimic calls were but recital grand
As just me and the dog watched, mesmerised
A display I found hard to understand
Enjoyed more than normal; I analysed.
Such scenes in native forests are not rare
But why, did I enjoy with fresh intrigue
This bird unconcerned of our presence there
I felt that I had joined a smarter league!

Then hit me why such peaceful seeds were sown,
Fact being; I didn’t take my mobile phone!
Last edited by Ron on Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Terry » Thu Aug 24, 2023 11:06 pm

Very Clever Ron

And enjoyable as well.
I liked the setting for your Sonnet, it really made the point!

We're getting more and more dependent on our phones by the day,
All medical things and most business is now communicated by your phone,
plus, Government etc. the list is endless.

Some years ago, I wrote a poem about someone bravely leaving their phone behind deliberately -
little did I realize at the time what the future held.

Cheers Mate


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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Ron » Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:15 am

Thanks Terry,

Yes that's true, we are so dependent on them now and it doesn't make for a secure future I feel. All good while everything is running smoothly! But!!!

I also remember a line from a poem I wrote years ago (in my early days of attempting to write verse) "Of our own destiny are we the master". And that was before mobiles were on the scene! Certainly a common thread there mate. :D


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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:39 pm

Can't tell you all how excited I am that I didn't have to use my bloody mobile phone to get back into this site after my old computer fried itself and lost a lot of things including all my saved passwords and contacts. :D

Great use of the prompt and I love your poem Ron and totally relate to it - me and mobile phones don't gel.

Nice to see you writing a sonnet as well - they are Shelley's forte :lol:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Ron » Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:14 pm

Thanks Maureen,
Struth! you certainly are having a time of it in the tech. minefield! :( hopefully better days ahead!
Lost all my stuff on my mob. recently and spent about two hrs with a Apple technician trying to retrieve everything! luckily ended up only losing all my messages and recent emails, could have been a lot worse! :shock:
Pleased that you enjoyed my sonnet and yes it certainly is Shelley's forte! 8-)

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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:06 pm

Very clever, Ron...lovely images so that I wasn't expecting that ending!

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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Ron » Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:35 pm

Thanks Catherine,

Yes give me the Lyrebird any day! :D But sadly we just wouldn't survive without our mobile phones these days! :)


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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:54 pm

Excellent, Ron!

Shakespeare would have approved of a sonnet in his style on a subject like this, I'm sure!

Yes, I'll take the lyrebird any day too - but we're trapped with our phones in this modern age!

Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework August '23. Sonnet Requiem for a Phoney Life.

Post by Ron » Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:13 am

Thank you Shelley,
I seem to enjoy the challenge of sonnets these days. :D
Regarding the mobile phones in these modern times, you definitely used the appropriate word there, "trapped"! :(

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