The Lost Dozer

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The Lost Dozer

Post by ALANM » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:14 pm

(By Alanm July 2023)
The day was stinking hot, the sun was bright and glaring
as he crawled the D6 dozer, all along the scrubby clearing.
Push and pull apon the levers, squinting through the dust
‘Gotta stop and relieve me’self’, said he, ’It really is a must’.
A new chum to the Top End, just in country for a bit
he idled down the D6, thinking, ‘ I really gotta #%#& ‘.

Open Forest and tall grass, some Lancewood here and there
did not provide much cover but he didn’t need to care.
He was twenty miles from home, not a soul to see him bare
might a Wallaby might spot him, squatting, straining way out there.
But for some strange reason, he’d not go, close up to the dozer,
he wandered off into the scrub, to seek some denser cover.

He could not relate, at a later date, why he’d wandered off so far
perhaps he wanted peace and quiet, from the dozer’s noisy roar.
At last he found a peaceful spot, free of rocks and sticks and bark
laid his gum leaves neatly on a stump and settled to the task.
He had no paper for the job but some ringer had advised
just pluck a broad gum leaf or three, that’ll work, he was surprised.

When the task had been completed, he made ready to return
he could not hear or see the Dozer, that caused him some concern.
The scrub ringed all around him, each way back looked just the same
he saw no way to retrace his steps, to go back from where he came.
He turned this way, he turned that way but it was all quite confusing
he could not find the cattle track, that he’d previously been using.

A decision made at last, he set off through the grass,
more’n a bit hasty but with evening coming fast.
He had to get back to the dozer, before a lift to home came past
he walked and walked then trotted but soon realised he was lost.
In despair he changed direction but that didn’t seem to help
he came across a dingo, who, surprised, let out a yelp.

As the moon rose in the sky, his panic was intense
then to his relief, there in the gloom,he came across a fence.
So, which way should he follow, could be left or could be right
he tossed a mental coin up high and went right, into the night.
And while all this was going on, the lift to home came by
to find the dozer idling still but no driver waiting nigh.

He shut the idling dozer down, cast about and gave a shout
he looked and called till dark did fall,then reluctantly pulled out.
When he got back to the homestead and related the bad news
the Boss and crew drove back out,with a spotlight to be used.
They searched till dawn with no result,he had just disappeared
with snakes and mad wild cattle, for his welfare they all feared.

The morning sun did herald, another glaring scorching day
at breakfast at the homestead,plans were made to search all day.
When to all surprise a shout came out, the driver had been found
he’d wandered in and gone to bed, when no-one was around.
When he’d turned right into the night, he’d made the right decision
the fence had led him back to home and aided his night vision.

Though all were glad to see him safe, there was some loud derision,
how could you lose a dozer on a fence line?, by his admission.
The Boss then made a firm suggestion, “ Roll yer swag and hit the road,
you’ve made us worry, cost us time and money and acted like a Toad “.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: The Lost Dozer

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:36 am

Good fun write Ron but your MC should have gone to Specsavers and got a hearing check. How the bloody hell you could miss a bright yellow dozer idling away in the (quiet) bush had me a bit flummoxed - you could hear our old girl, (A Bucyrus Erie aka Angel) roaring from miles away when she was working in the paddocks, and even when she was idling away her time she was never the silent type ..... but Hey! That's poetic licence mate and I enjoyed the read and giggled a lot whilst doing so Thank you for sharing it.
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Re: The Lost Dozer

Post by ALANM » Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:05 pm

Hi Maureen,
The most unbelievable stories are often true and there's no accounting for new chums,in any profession.
Cheers Alan

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