Homework May - Through Every Season

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Catherine Lee
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Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu May 11, 2023 5:50 pm

Well, here I go being all nostalgic again - but thoughts of the seasons I miss always conjure up copious memories of Mum and Dad, so for me these are forever linked:

Through Every Season

The seasons back then I remember again
as I ponder on years far behind,
Would it all feel the same? Would I moan or exclaim
at the cold and the beauty combined?
For nostalgia acute is now leaving me mute
as I long for the home of my heart,
where the coolness of air and the wind in my hair
are just some things I missed from the start.
when I left to explore far-off places, before
I imagined how much I would yearn
for a cold mountain stream or a frosty extreme,
which back then I just couldn’t discern.

I reflect on bright lights and those cold winter nights,
cosy blaze and the cat by the fire,
when a hot chocolate mug was as good as a hug
just before it was time to retire.
I’d be on the settee, blanket over my knee
and cocooned in a warm winter gown,
watching snowflakes on high in a glittering sky
like soft kisses from Heaven drift down.
Flannel sheets on the bed and a quilt round my head,
with a loving embrace ever near -
how I wish I could tell how you wove such a spell
of contentment that made you so dear.

And the autumn! Ah, how I remember it now
with its crisp, sunny days taking hold,
as we watched the leaves change in a glorious range
of such colours astounding and bold!
Now my heart still believes I’ll once more watch those leaves
when in future I’ll finally roam
not again far afield, but to finally yield
to the call of my beautiful home.
Yet while this is my goal, pain still strikes at my soul
with a sudden and poignant attack,
for the meaningful core of those days gone before
have passed on and can never come back.

From the spring daffodils when we climbed in those hills
to the blossom that dazzled our eyes;
from the sweet summer rose to the wintery snows
to the sunsets igniting the skies,
every season has turned, in my memory burned
with a gratitude hard to define—
the delight on Mum’s face that would light up the place,
and Dad’s laughter, remain ever mine.
I give thanks every day for past seasons – the way
they evoke love that quite overwhelms,
and pray somehow above through the power of love
they are smiling from heavenly realms.

© Catherine Lee, May 2023

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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Ron » Thu May 11, 2023 6:49 pm

What a beautiful heartfelt poem Catherine, loved it.
I could relate to every perfect beat in the flow! Ten out of Ten from me! :D
And having just lit the fire (and of course, Banjo our Kelpie settled himself in front of it straight away!) and poured a glass of red then reading your poem, it gave it special meaning.
I reckon Mum and Dad would be looking down with very proud smiles on their faces for sure!
A wonderful read, thank you,

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri May 12, 2023 3:45 pm

Oh, such a beautiful message, Ron – thank you so much!... Your Kelpie’s name is Banjo? How very apt, and I can just picture you there with him relaxing by the fire!... Your lovely, warm response really has made my day today - I’m so glad you liked my poem, and really appreciate your touching words.

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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Terry » Fri May 12, 2023 10:54 pm

Beautifully written Catherine

The poem bounces along with its internal rhymes and happy messages.
As your poem hints, we can't go back, but we will always have our best memories to fall back on.

Loved your poem, Catherine.


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun May 14, 2023 10:06 am

WOW! That is just beautiful, any child would be blessed to have such memories and would feel so loved as well - that is very tangible in your poem Catherine ... and even though it is making mention of both parents what a wonderful tribute for Mother's Day. A very special write IMO. Love it.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Gary Harding » Fri May 19, 2023 7:33 am


For a start I found this poem very easy to read and understand. :)
.. and being a lazy reader and ordinary person, that is a significant benefit.
(Sophistication in bush poetry has no appeal for me.)

"Through Every Season" avoids complexity as it should, because the purpose of the poem is an essentially simple one after all.
It comfortably does not over-reach itself or exceed the writer's ability as some poems today do... and then they fail. It flowed smoothly!
To repeat that point..it was written in a straightforward manner with no difficult to fathom phrases. Hooray!

It is well-structured with a clearly defined introduction, ending and the interest-holding substance in between. It has a mixture of both emotive and descriptive expressions that combine well in supporting each other.

Your descriptions brought past "scenes" to life well. Its overall sentimental theme is something that takes a degree of skill to express in a way that comes over as genuine.. and Through Every Season achieves that.

Alternatively you could have validly chosen to go down the simple path of contrasting the cold climate of your younger years with your current significantly "warmer" and culturally-different situation, but that would have meant mostly leaving out the emotive/feelings part. So that is fair enough.

I guess everyone is different and quite individual in what they appreciate in poetry. I apologize and hope this is all not too arms-length and objective in its analysis. However, when looking at the work of a long-term accomplished writer, it is the way to go I think in order to make any brief comments of some use.

Poems that provide a window into the real and personal life of a writer (as you do from time to time) even if just memories, lend validity to the lines because you write from experience, not imagination. Where a poet anywhere opens the door a bit to their own life, I believe that it says to the reader ... "Hey, I like you and trust you to the extent that I will share a part of my life with you in this poem". Not that I am nosey ha, but writing that way is revealing and is the difference between fiction and non-fiction as well, I suppose. (I prefer non-fiction which is more interesting)

Through Every Season has a genuine warmth, as well as a personal touch that is a constant characteristic of your writing... and also makes your poems worth the time reading ..and special.

It is odd but I can somehow read a poem and say "do I like the person who wrote this?". Something in their expression gives them away as being sincere and kind etc. You just know. I get a positive feel always from your writing.

Anyway you must be enjoying the full force of a summer in Thailand, and I can imagine how you might " yearn for a cold mountain stream or a frosty extreme". To say the least!?

Well done Catherine!

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat May 20, 2023 3:27 pm

Beautifully written as always, Catherine!

Takes me back to NZ myself - even though I was only a visitor and it was 45 years ago!! Must be time to cross the ditch again!

Shelley Hansen
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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework May - Through Every Season

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon May 22, 2023 3:49 pm

Thank you all so very much for such warm responses! This Forum is such an incredibly encouraging and friendly place to be, and I always greatly appreciate your feedback. It makes me very happy to know you liked the poem, especially as yes, it is indeed a personal one… As for “enjoying the full force of a summer in Thailand”, Gary – er, no! I never get used to this heat – it’s not so bad on the islands because of the sea breezes, but with heatwave warnings of late I have not been going outside much at all since returning to the city a few weeks ago!... So these prompts were timely, as I’ve been enjoying many gorgeous autumnal photos on social media recently, transporting myself back to those crisp, cool days and the accompanying memories. Thank you all so much once again!

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