February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

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Catherine Lee
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February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:16 pm

Well, I don’t mean to be a miserable sod, but I’ve gone for the last prompt because I already had a few lines of it written from a while back and due to a ghastly eye infection this week, I can’t spend too much time on the computer so it seemed smart to finish it. I’m actually going to put two views on the subject here, because one is somewhat negative whilst the rondel highlights the power of forgiveness to heal and therefore balances out the first one a bit. The outcome of such painful experiences can go either way - it depends of course, on the two people involved...


Between life’s harsh reality and searing flights of fantasy,
a yearning for what used to be consumed each waking hour.
Accused of great dependency she struggled onwards valiantly,
despite the shocking changes that were threatening to devour.

No more the loving gentleness, the whispered words, the soft caress,
but only bitter words with venom spitting out her name.
From disbelief, uncertainty to shrinking pain and agony,
she helplessly observed with dread the stranger he became.

Till hope was gone and finally she turned her back reluctantly,
still longing for the man he used to be, but now bereft.
Resigned to abject misery, his crazed insensitivity
and desperate for a friendly face, she dried her tears and left.

At first he laughed triumphantly, then cursed her uncontrollably—
his freedom didn’t bring the joy he’d set his heart upon.
He grasped his gross stupidity not grasping with a certainty
the depth of how he’d loved her, till that morning she was gone.

Then realizing gradually that it was not dependency
that made him feel so trapped, as if she needed love to live,
but beautiful simplicity, immeasurable loyalty,
and only that she had so much within her heart to give.

Beginning with complacency, he’d turned to infidelity,
till undeserved contempt had stolen all respect away.
The worm had turned indifferently, his guilt displayed aggressively,
and now regret consumed him every moment of the day.

He pondered pleas for clemency, assured of generosity,
but knew he couldn’t change a single cruel word or threat;
though wounds would fade eventually, and she’d support him faithfully,
the saddest fact remains that we can never quite forget.

Though strength of will knows victory, forgiveness is a remedy
and lives can be rebuilt, true love grow stronger, so they claim,
while reunited happily, the truth of harsh reality
means trust is lost forever—it is never quite the same.

Rondel to Forgiveness

The storm is weathered, peace has come at last,
As sunlight pierces dark forbidding sky.
We’ve cheated death together, you and I,
If we maintain the calm, forgive the past.

So cruel the words we spoke, the dies we cast,
Suspicion and destruction with each lie—
The storm is weathered, peace has come at last,
As sunlight pierces dark forbidding sky.

Betrayal and complacency struck fast,
And horrified, we watched love gone awry—
Yet now in wonder, feel it magnify
As reunited, with fresh hope we sigh;
The storm is weathered, peace has come at last.

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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Terry » Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:30 pm

Hi Catherine

Sory to hear about your eye infection - seem that all of us are in the wars of late - hope things have improved a bit by now.

Your poem paints a picture of what we see in the news almost every day,
but going on what we read, she should have kept on running.
For it seems that few despite their promises, actually reform, and often become even more violent and dangerous.
But I know you are a generous forgiving soul!

A thought-provoking poem Catherine and very well written as always.


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Gary Harding
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:17 pm


I have read Betrayal through several times and it gets more meaningful with each reading. Your mastery of language is first class. The fixating subject matter and written intensity tends to swamp the poetry angle though. But the rhyme is fine, the story evolves and the meter is ok I think.

An extremely powerful verse!.... and it always staggers me how you can produce such work and in a relatively short time-frame. In this case on an emotional subject too. Exceptional work. :)

To even start this one must have taken determination.

In a fair and balanced way it deals with human beings. The fact that we are all flawed, and the world is imperfect. Taking good people for granted, especially. And the final brave acceptance of those flaws, even if they caused hurt.

Poets seem to be regarded as far more perceptive than other people.... and this verse proves that.

It also demonstrates that some relationships that fade can indeed be reborn ... and while naturally are never quite the same as before... can often still be worth having, and be nurtured. As you say.. it depends on the people.

The important thing is that this poem offers HOPE. I think that is what GOOD poets do well.
Betrayal is overall upbeat... about a down situation... that evolved.
It is definitely something that makes one stop and think about it.

I don't know .. but Kindness and Sensitivity to others seems to be the thing... and love too, of course. The real enduring type.

A couple I knew in Melbourne got married decades ago. At their expensive society wedding in Toorak there was the most incredible Beef Wellington for guests! THAT beef was unforgettable! but the rest was very forgettable - because they got divorced. Then; after a while they figured that they were so attuned to each other, and with life and its challenges they could not do without each other either and so got un-divorced.. ie remarried. They stayed here briefly three years ago and are happy, maybe happier. Now she has breast cancer and so all the past is irrelevant, and the power of two devoted people fighting it means it all has a better chance of a positive medical outcome.. (which I think it will have by indications.)

So, yes...Ideally everyone should have a good pilot on one's wing to stick close and protect through life's combats. Never to be taken for granted, but loved instead!!
What a huge emotional journey Betrayal takes the reader along on. WOW!

Your poetry never, ever disappoints me. Typical Catherine Lee!! ha

A lovely surprise is always around the corner. Always.

This is an example... full of deep meaning too. I do not know about other readers but I am always left wanting much more! Thank you profoundly from the depths of my heart for sharing this novel and skilful poem with all ABPA readers. Well done!

Pictured below is the fateful Beef Wellington. To be avoided where possible as a bad omen..... and it is Valentines Day today too! :)

I hope your nasty eye-infection is gone! :)

Gary x
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Last edited by Gary Harding on Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Ron » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:36 am

Hi Catherine, I do hope that nasty eye issue clears up quickly for you.
And what very deep and meaning thoughts they are indeed in your poem.
It is an excellent write with many great standout lines and rhymes. I have reread it a few times and will again!
It certainly gives a lot of food for thought in the field of human behaviour and trust in relationships.
To me it does hi-light the act of forgiveness, but also poses the age old question "can the leopard change its spots".
Enjoyed the read thank you,

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Catherine Lee
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:44 pm

Thank you so much, Terry, Gary and Ron for your wonderful feedback, as well as your kind wishes about my eye. It was horrendous, as in the end I had to have an incision in the lid and this was an exceedingly unpleasant experience. It has also been immensely frustrating not to be able to get on the computer – hence my submission of the older poem. The vision and bruising is still not 100% back to normal but at least the pain has abated.

What you say is very true Terry, as there are a great many leopards out there who simply never change their spots, so it can be a tough decision when one has been betrayed. I’ve seen a lot of these very sad circumstances over the years with friends and acquaintances, and at times it’s been hard not to become very cynical indeed.

Gary, you have once again given me some amazing compliments here, and I’m so glad you saw hope in the poem because I had, as my introductory message suggested, been a tad worried you might all think I was being utterly miserable and negative! The story of the devoted Melbourne couple certainly illustrates everything you say on this particular subject well (and that Beef Wellington looks delicious!) Thank you so much for your always enthusiastic praise for my poetry!

Ron, you make me glad I posted both poems, because you are absolutely right in your take on my reasons for this to present both scenarios as a bit of a balance. As with many decisions in life, we can never know which way our choice will go so it will always be a risk either way…Thank you so much for your kind words, and I’m really glad you enjoyed them.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:07 pm

WOW! I am blown away by that contribution Catherine - fabulous as always, loving the emotion and the internal rhyme works so well. Well done you.

I would like to purloin and share this poem onto the ARP page - it just happens to fit into today's theme ... please say I may.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Catherine Lee
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:51 pm

Well, that's a massive compliment, Maureen - thank you! Of course you may, and thank you so much for your wonderful, warm feedback! x

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:13 am

Hi Catherine

I particularly liked the contrast in your two poems - light -vs- shade, positive -vs- negative - it always works well.

I also hope you've been able to overcome that nasty eye infection.

Shelley Hansen
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Catherine Lee
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Re: February Homework - Thoughts on Betrayal

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:02 pm

Thank you so much, Shelley, I'm glad you liked the contrast - I was pleased in the end that I posted both, because of course every situation is different and so are the outcomes.... Sometimes when people offer advice to their friends on the subject, their outrage can make them forget this very important point and it can cause immense damage. As to my eye infection, thank you for your kind thoughts...I wish I could say Yes, but sadly it skipped to my other eye on the weekend, so as far as I'm concerned, February sucked and "bring on March!"

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