The Land I Love

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Bob Pacey
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The Land I Love

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:52 pm

The land I Love

The bloody guy next door is mowing and I expect soon he'll be blowing
off his driveway with his noisy flaming petrol driven beast.
I can hear a chain saw humming, down the street some kid is drumming
on a set his grandad brought him it drives me mad to say the least.

The dog through the fence is barking and kids on their tramp skylarking
playing wrestling games and screaming out so loud it hurts my head.
I got up as the day was dawning but now my heart is mourning
for the noise here in the city fills my poor old heart with dread.

I close my eyes and dream I'm standing near a cattle yard were branding
of the scrubbers and the cleanskins is the only noise I hear.
Midst the dust and grime and cattle where it's always been a battle
to even just survive a season is the one thing that we fear.

I can hear the whips a cracking as a big old piker backing
out of the crush sends ringers jumping for the safety of the gate.
While the smells and sounds of mustering drift on the breezes blustering
through the gidgee scrub and saltbush as they drive them to the crate.

But I'm stuck here in the city where my room is trim and pretty
and the plants here in the gardens, blooms put on a vivid show.
But I miss the outback flowers and the smell of rain as showers
drift across the barren landscape as the seasons come and go.

Country towns where breezes rustle there’s just no hype and bustle
and people have the time to stop to chat and say Gidday.
Where you can stroll into the local pub and meet a ringer from the scrub
or some truckie helping out with others carting hay
Some say it’s endless gloom but they have not seen the gidgee bloom
or the wild flowers after rain has drenched the land.
They have not heard the curlews crying or seen the wild ducks flying
as they search for water midst the barren thirsty sand.

I miss the scent of wattle blooming as nature she is grooming
the country for a time of plenty from the storm clouds up above.
I expect that I will die here and although my bones will lie here
it's in the outback my heart will gaze upon this land I love.

Bob Pacey ( C )
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

Posts: 3334
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Re: The Land I Love

Post by Terry » Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:08 pm

I doubt if anyone one misses the bush more than I do Bob.

Using female rhymes in the first and third lines in most of the stanza's adds a lot to a poem IMO.
The poem just seems to flow with that technique.

Enjoyed your poem Bob, and it's good to see you posting once again.



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Shelley Hansen
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Re: The Land I Love

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:09 am

Good one Bob! You really paint the picture well.

Nothing like a good internal rhyme - I love it!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Catherine Lee
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Re: The Land I Love

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:42 pm

Agreed - A lovely poem, Bob, with great imagery and use of the senses. Love it!

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