The Ringer & The Princess

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Glen Hughes
Posts: 70
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:36 am

The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Glen Hughes » Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:14 am

3 - The Ringer & The Princess

The story starts out in the bush, the year was ‘74,
the Ringer was on muster, out from Jackboot Bore.
Horses bred and broken, the quickest on the face,
camp horse used for cutting, and the fastest bred to race.

Muster, draft, mark and brand, mobs and mobs of cattle,
dust and sweat, fire and smoke, each day was a battle.
Days were never ending, nights were dark and deep,
with swag, and coat for pillow, the Ringer caught some sleep.

The word came through the two way, that a Princess had hit town,
and worth a look, come check her out, it’s time to break new ground.
Excitement built through out the camp, the boys picked up the pace,
dreams now turned to rum and girls, the work now turned to race!

At muster’s end rejoicing, as work turned in to fun,
horses fit from working, It’s time to see them run,
The Ringer now a jockey, rode hard to take the Gold,
to hold The Cup and fill it, with anything that’s cold!

The focus was then shifted, from race track to the Ball,
where dancing was in progress, people, wall to wall.
On one side stood the Ringer, all scrubbed and shaven clean,
on the other sat The Princess, the woman of his dreams.

To cross the floor and ask her, was more than he could bare,
looked left, looked right, looked awkward, trying not to stare.
She looked just like an angel, he was taken by her eyes,
she then walked up and asked him, he was taken by surprise!

The Ringer & The Princess, danced on through the night,
and danced on through a lifetime, he her husband, she his wife.
They compliment each other, with everything they do,
the love they share, beyond compare, and both now share with you.

Glen Hughes © 7/2/22

Posts: 3334
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:39 pm


Enjoyed your poem's Glen - well the two I've read so far.

As Shelley said, welcome to the forum, we're always looking for more poets,
so welcome aboard.



Glen Hughes
Posts: 70
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:36 am

Re: The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Glen Hughes » Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:02 pm

Thanks Terry, I’m new to the game, just in to slow down, but loving having the time to sit and write.
Cheers, Glen

Posts: 777
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Location: Blue Mtns.

Re: The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Ron » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:39 am

Good on you Glen, I'll add my voice there too in saying welcome, and am also enjoying a read of your poems.
Be careful of that ''slow down'' though, I got into it about Five years ago and I really don't know where that time has gone! :lol:

Glen Hughes
Posts: 70
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:36 am

Re: The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Glen Hughes » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:51 am

Busy as here mate, so much to document!!📲🎬🎶😂

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Catherine Lee
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Re: The Ringer & The Princess

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:41 pm

Hi, Glen. I've just started reading your poems and am very much enjoying them - a very warm welcome to our wonderful forum!

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