Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

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Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Terry » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:16 am

You wonder where these come from – perhaps an overheard scrap of conversation – who knows.

(2) I have made changes to the second stanza

Brothers No More

He had woken from a troubled sleep that stirred a hidden fear,
as his mind had drifted through the misty veils of yesteryear
Where once hidden skeletons, had come alive again that night,
to torment in dreams that seemed so real he’d woken now in fright.

He’d been looking through a window back into a troubled past
where his mind seemed trapped forever or as long as sleep would last
Even now awake, he can’t escape reality he knows,
for the truth will always haunt him and the pain it brings still shows.

As he thinks about a brother who’s been missing now for years
and remembers too their parting as they both fought back their tears.
There had seemed to be no reason for the rift that had occurred,
When he stormed out years ago – since then, there’s not a thing’s been heard.

With his last words laced with bitterness, he gave no reason why,
but said he wanted no more contact and begged him not to try.
As the years had dragged on slowly by, the sense of loss had grown,
he had lost his only brother and the mateship they’d once known.

He remembers still the good times that the two of them had shared,
for the bond had been so strong then, in the knowledge they both cared.
They had searched for hidden treasures in the back block’s way out west
and it’s hard to now believe that they would fail the final test.

He had never found the reason and the facts remain as blurred,
not a trace has since been found, nor has he heard a single word.
And his mind can find no peace until he learns his brother’s fate,
knowing even if successful, it’s probably now too late.

© T.E. Piggott

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:43 pm

A good story Terry - one that has no doubt been repeated many times over, sadly.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:20 am

Hi Shelley

Sort of got of track and lost my way a bit on this one.
Ended up with this, which hardly fits the subject.


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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:00 am

It fits the subject just fine Terry - well done ... at a later stage if you had the inclination you could maybe add a stanza or two showing how his brother was found and seen through that same window walking up the path to his old home. I love happy endings :lol:

We have a cousin in our family who has done the same thing - living in Spain with no contact with family ... very sad - but families do tend to fracture and some fractures are sadly never mended.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:24 pm

Thanks Maureen

That's an excellent idea, I might just give that a go!


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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Ron » Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:55 pm

G'day Terry,
A really good yarn and you have told it well!
Sadly the storyline is not an isolated case, as there would be so many out there that are wondering about vanished family members.
I know of a case first hand here, that is too long to go into, but fortunately it had a happy outcome!
Enjoyed the read mate, well done.

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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:54 pm

Thanks Ron

I agree, I even went missing myself once when opal mining as a young bloke,
Just a thoughtless act on my part - poor old Dad had feared the worst.


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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:26 pm

A sad tale, Terry, and one that you've told so well, as always.. Yes, there are many such stories out there unfortunately.... From the first stanza where you set the scene to the very last one with its added poignancy of possibly now being too late, it really flows well and makes the reader feel it and relate.

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Re: Homework for April 22 'Brothers No More'

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:15 pm

Thanks Catherine


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