A Trashing Of Hero's

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A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Terry » Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:13 pm

The Trashing of Hero’s
War is brutal; sad things happen all the time and always will,
for it’s kill or be killed when at war, so blood is sure to spill.
You have fought a war where no one could be trusted but your mates,
once you stepped into that hell hole where the enemy awaits.

They have sent you to the ends of earth to fight a hopeless war,
where you never know who’s friend or foe or just what lies in store.
so, you had to always be on guard to just survive out there,
for the enemy is waiting, even in the camps you share.

They would show no mercy either if they got the upper hand,
So, you do what must be done to try and bring peace to that land.
It’s a thankless task you’re faced with and mistakes at times are made,
that’s the way it’s always been in wars, and death’s the price that’s paid.

There will always be the knockers who are lesser men than you,
most of whom would lack the courage to face dangers like you do.
And the truth is blurred to suit the ones who wish to tear you down
and your leaders have gone missing as the blame is passed around.

But true Aussies don’t desert their mates, you know we’ve got your back,
though your leaders may desert you and your characters attack.
Politicians run for cover, so don’t look to them for help,
they’ll be somewhere out of sight, not game enough to raise a yelp.

You can never trust the media, they’ll smear you if they can,
then, they’ll crucify you - once that made up rubbish hits the fan.
There’s a stench about this business, some-ones got you in their sights,
using innuendo as their proof – no thoughts about your rights.

They’re out now to destroy you and will stoop to anything to win,
with their dodgy so-called stories, that at best are paper thin.
Even paying cash it’s rumoured to the ones you may have fought
and it’s hard to now believe they may use evidence that’s bought.

If they get their way, they’ll decimate the mighty S A S
and then leave the forward lines of our defences in a mess.
Men like you are priceless in the growing troubles faced today
and we need you well trained hardened warriors, to lead the way.

So perhaps our finest fighting unit will be torn apart
and your government has turned a blind eye to it from the start.
Who’s behind it all; what schemes were hatched behind closed doors I ask?
For it seems so un-Australian too - who hides behind the mask?
©T.E. Piggott

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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Ron » Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:28 am

Well said Terry, we are certainly on the same wave length there mate. What an insult it is to all those who fought and died for this great country!
Apparently the rules of engagement today are supposed to be fought under political correctness and media satisfaction guidelines, however someone forgot to tell the enemy!
No such thing as a level playing field, thank God Putin doesn't live next door!
A thought provoking poem Terry.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:54 pm

Certainly proves there are no winners in war, Terry.
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Terry » Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:13 pm

Hi Ron & Shelley

Just got back from Peaceful bay - sad to leave.

As you will gather from my poem, I'm disgusted with the way our SAS boys have been treated.
No better than being painted as criminals by sections of the media, and some of their own leaders as well.

To me it's a disgrace - I just felt it was time to stand up and be counted.


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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by r.magnay » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:39 pm

Gday mate, you have my vote...

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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Terry » Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:46 pm

G/day Ross

Somehow had a feeling you might mate.



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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:44 pm

I am incensed everytime I see the slurs now being attached to Ben. You can't expect to send blokes to war, to do our dirty work, and expect them to be squeaky clean in what they do. The circumstances are different - most of us wouldn't have a clue what goes on or the circumstances. Politeness and political correctness I suspect flies out the door when one is in a firefight and fighting for their lives.

I well recall an old friend of mine - gone now - a Vietnam Vet who during a PTSD episode in which he had a complete meltdown, telling me over and over again that he was a trained killer and had killed vietcong who turned out to be 12 year old kids - the same age as his own daughter. The thing was, that was how he saw himself and truth to tell, as a regular army man - that is what he was....because we trained him to be just that.

I also recall being told by a WWII vet very many years ago - that the men never spoke of what happened upon their return to Australia because it was just too horrible to contemplate and the civilian population just wouldn't understand.

Somethings just have to be on a need to know basis - and we don't need to know if we are going to make judgements on a man's actions based on what happens in 'polite society' , and then try to pillory a bloke who was just following orders.

We sleep peaceably in our beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: A Trashing Of Hero's

Post by Terry » Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:57 pm

Thanks Maureen

I'm Pretty well of the same opinion as you.

Just put yourself in their position after your so called friends kill your unarmed mates when sharing their camp,
I reckon most of us would want to hunt them down and deal with them.
As the poem stated 'War is brutal - things happen all the time, and always have.

But there's always someone who wants to create mischief.


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