Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

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Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by mummsie » Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:13 pm

Three & a half years & I’ve finally put pen to paper!

At the age of thirteen years & nine months my parents made what I consider to be one of the most impactful decisions of my young life. Two years prior I had become the victim of a school yard bully. A relentless, daily torment which on the last day of the previous school year became physical, the resulting concussion leaving me laid up for a week. For six weeks I lived in fear of returning to school. I will never forget the angst of that first morning of the new school year(I was physically sick) or the relief when my parents declared- enough is enough!! For many years thereafter the mere sound of the school bell would ring alarm.

You Are Enough

© Sue Pearce 2022

I’m not old compared to many, though the ticking hands of time
have unveiled a body tired and predisposed
to the customary hurdles; forging aching, creaking bones
and the “Charlie Chaplin Walk” that stands- opposed!
But whatever age is fitting (sixty-eight I hear you jest!)
it’s important that I share this brief with you.
For despite the years encountered, I’m essentially still you
although stronger and much wiser for the view.

I could start at the beginning, but I chose this point in time
when the tolling of the bell intimidates;
Angst and fear upon the concourse- so unbearable I know
a relentless world where harrowing awaits.
But believe me when I tell you this is just a phase in time
you won’t always be the tyrants call to boast.
For the journeys just beginning, trust these words I tender now
at a time I feel they’re warranted the most.

While you question your existence and the future held in store
for a girl proclaimed as “plain” with “little use”.
You will fail to see the beauty of a kind and humble heart
beating strong amidst the barrage of abuse.
There will come a day, I promise, when the looking glass appeals
to the yet unbridled confidence within
when the mantra now in harness will suspend all disbelief
and allow the self-acceptance to begin;

Know yourself-you are deserving!
Love yourself-no rules apply!
Trust yourself-your dreams are valid!
Spread your wings and dare to fly!
Find your worth-it lies within you!
Persevere when things get tough!
Live a life of peace and balance!
Be assured-you are enough!
Last edited by mummsie on Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by Terry » Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:26 pm

Beautifully written Sue,

Great choice of words to bring your poem to life.
There is a poignancy to the story, (that's why true stories always have that bit of something extra special about them).
There are so many standout lines that it's difficult to pick out just one to highlight.

Loved your poem Sue and it would also make great a song lyric as well IMO.
The only question I have to ask is where the heck have you been these last couple of years'



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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by mummsie » Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:04 pm

Thank you for your generous words Terry-much appreciated -and if you only knew the number of times I’ve attempted to put pen to paper! Too many other things going on!
Good to hear from you.

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by Ron » Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:33 am

What a great write Sue, and what a sad experience to have had to go through! At an age, where self esteem can be everything! Hope karma caught up with the bully down the track, it usually does.
And great to see that you were able to rise above it (although not easy) and move on. And that is certainly shown in your poetry!
Loved the rhyming structure it really made the poem flow so well and I agree with Terry, so many standout lines, but I particularly liked;
I could start at the beginning, but I chose this point in time
when the tolling of the bell intimidates;
and also;
When the mantra now in harness will suspend all disbelief
and allow the self-acceptance to begin;
Which to me sums up what the poem is all about.
Loved it Sue, well done.

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by mummsie » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:36 am

Thank you for your kind feedback Ron!

As you say, a difficult time & one which tends to raise its ugly head each time a bullying incident rocks the media, I refer in particular to the Dolly Everett story. So bloody sad Ron but not that far from where I sat. When the slogan "Speak up even if your voice shakes" broke, I was once again reminded of my own ordeal but, I'm not sure I would have taken that advice on board such was the fear, particularly given that just six months prior to my abuse becoming physical, my father had approached the school(again) which only served to aggravate the problem. As to his punishment-he was suspended from school for a short time & I understand his aggression then focused on others on his return. Sadly Ron, the young man, who was eighteen months my senior, took his life at the age of twenty- what a tragedy!

Thanks again for dropping in & taking the time to comment, I appreciate it!

PS Give my regards to Wendy! :)
the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:10 pm

Wow, Sue, this is a such a poignant write. I’m so terribly sorry to hear you went through such a ghastly experience! The terror and questioning you felt is conveyed clearly in lines such as:

when the tolling of the bell intimidates;
Angst and fear upon the concourse- so unbearable I know
a relentless world where harrowing awaits.

Then your assurance to your young self that this is just a ‘phase in time’ and reminding yourself of who you truly are underneath (You will fail to see the beauty of a kind and humble heart beating strong amidst the barrage of abuse) is so beautifully done. Like Ron, I also love those two lines he’s singled out and the promise they contain.

Your title is thoughtfully selected and really says it all, with the final eight lines of your poem confirming this in its entirety with such perfect advice.

Love this moving poem, Sue, and it's great to see you posting !

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:31 pm

Oh WOW! Sue that last verse is powerful and strong enough to stand alone - I live it and totally embrace it. So many years between when you were at school and the kids of today and yet is seems that nothing has changed, bullying is still rife and now more than ever we need to get that message out to our kids that they are indeed enough.

My Mum used to say to me a little verse -
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you
- I remember my brother being bullied at school and me flying to his defence, and I think I was somewhat verbally bullied but was able to stick up for myself being mouthy.....but as we know only to well words can indeed hurt us and the hurt lingers all of our lives doesn't it :( .

Would you mind if I purloined that last verse in particular and set it up for the ARP page? - I feel it will resonate and be shared by many.

I love your poem -a good write indeed.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by mummsie » Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:19 pm

Thank you Catherine-encouraging words indeed, thank you for taking the time to single out areas of the poem that, for you, stood out.

Titles are an important part of a poem don't you think? A little like a novel for me-I'm often drawn to a particular verse by the title, which is interesting, given most titles consist of one or two words only, but I think it shows we should pay careful consideration to every part of the work we present, each part should be relevant to the story/mood depicted.
Your feedback is appreciated Catherine.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by mummsie » Fri Feb 25, 2022 5:34 pm

Hi Maureen
Thank you for the tick of approval. I'm pleased I have been able to shine a light on such an important message, particularly for women. As we all know, puberty is such a sensitive time for many and where some sail through, others find it difficult indeed. When those difficulties are beset by verbal attacks on body image, race or what side of the tracks you hail from etc, issues can become tenfold. I'm mindful these events took place some fifty seven years ago and while much water has passed under the bridge it took me a long time to gain self confidence.

Your comment re time lapse- I think the problem’s even bigger these days. I would hate to think how much worse things could have been in my case given the impact social media has added.

Its been an interesting topic Maureen. I was particularly fascinated by the different avenues individuals have taken to introduce themselves to themselves followed by signing off to themselves while pertaining that side of things to the verse-no two are identical!

You are welcome to use the mantra Maureen-I hope others find it as touching!

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework 24th Feb You Are Enough

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:07 am

As I suspected Sue it is being very well received on the ARP page - currently it has been viewed by 996 people and shared 10 times.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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