H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

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H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Ron » Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:53 pm

©Ron Boughton Feb. 2022

Through miracles of chance, on this speck of dust we call earth
You joined the human race, the year ‘Forty Nine of your birth,
And what were the odds in the mystery, of space and time,
That you, could through the sliding door theories prevail sublime,
Beginning on lifes journey with no ‘sat-nav’ there to guide
Along destinies roads unknown...for one hell of a ride!
Where rear view mirrors aren’t used, until later down the track
When our wheels rust a little and we take time to look back!

Anticipation is the norm’ from the dawn of first day
There calling like the carrot dangled, to point us the way,
Between the light and shadow offered, that becomes our choice
With right or wrong there influenced, by our minds little voice.
And there were times that you heard it and times that you ignored
Then wore the consequences after logic came on board,
And wasn’t, when head would hit the pillow, or just before sleep
It would be before morn’; when that first light of dawn …would creep.

I reflect of hard work, in the millions of bricks I laid
Where the ‘mud’ puddles became beauty in walls of the trade,
I stood up to be counted where the hard work was concerned
And all those beers consumed was, just part of the reward earned!
And thinking Thousands of K’s, I’ve covered on Two Wheels and Four
How fortunate in this land I’ve been, and couldn’t ask for more,
And Fifty years happy marriage will be chalked up this year
And good health is the catalyst of life’s gift to hold dear!

So, would I change a thing, of all the ups and downs to date?
Though some regrets I do have - I think most people could relate-
With Two good kids we were blessed, and to me it’s crystal clear
The sliding door theory determines fate within our sphere!
What we do in moments of time can have lifelong effects
And if things had been different, in the past, when one reflects,
We wouldn’t have our treasured grandkids, so I am certain then!
I’d want no change, if perchance …I should pass this way again!

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Catherine Lee
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:55 pm

A great ‘letter to self’ indeed, Ron, and a good read....Love the metaphors in the first stanza, and the way you then go on to convey anticipation, carrots dangled, choices made along the way and positive rewards reaped. We can all relate to the truth in your final stanza because all choices, good or bad, lead us to where we are today, and if as a result of some of them we end up happy and content then we are blessed indeed and would not wish to change them. The sliding door theory makes for interesting conversation in our house at times – it is truly amazing how some of these crossroads of the past can affect the rest of our lives.

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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Ron » Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:23 pm

Thanks so much Catherine for your kindly worded comments, they are much appreciated.
Yes I have always thought it incredible how the smallest action or instinct could have such a possible great effect on the future.
Thanks again

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:50 am

Nicely crafted Ron and I enjoyed the read. The sliding door image works well - my old Dad always reckoned life was a revolving door - same idea ... we are really all on a treadmill that goes round and round and everything old becomes new again.

I think you nailed it with this line ....
good health is the catalyst of life’s gift to hold dear
which is of course so true because it is only our good health that holds the rest of it together.
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by mummsie » Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:06 am

A lot to like here Ron!!
So much to relate to-
" Where rear view mirrors aren't used, until later down the track
when our wheels rust a little and we take time to look back!
Sums up this whole exercise hey! We are so busy getting to this point there seems little time for reflection-then one day(when Maureen jolts our memory :) ) it hits!!

Love this line- "Where the ''mud'' puddles became beauty in walls of the trade'"- Sometimes we read a line Ron and it immediately appeals(probably the standout line for me!). I was taken to busy building sites; cement mixers churning amid busy hands, the sound of gravel being shoveled then almost overnight that same site gives way to a pristine dwelling-the magic of a "Brickies" pallet!
Well done Ron!
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Ron » Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:08 pm

Thank you Maureen and Sue, I appreciate your feedback comments and pleased you enjoyed it.

Yes Maureen I totally agree, if you don't have your health a lot of things don't matter a jot! My old Mums favourite saying was "your health is your wealth' and as I get older it rings so true.

Great to hear from you again Sue! I think it puts it into perspective when you see a Ten ton load of sand delivered on the job and then think that it all goes in little trowel fulls! And it has to be mixed into mud in between! Crikey, I'm starting to feel a bit tired! :lol: All good though! :D
ps. Wendy said to say hi and hope all is going well.


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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Terry » Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:46 am

G/day Ron

So much to absorb in this mate and I agree with the others you have told it well, with lots of standout lines.

Enjoyed reading of your trip down memory lane - especially as you were happy with the cards that life has dealt you.

Chance seems have played a part in most of our lives - it certainly has in mine as well.


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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Ron » Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:26 pm

Thanks Terry. Yes mate I reckon we all have had chance effect our lives one way or another. And I can certainly understand, how you being in the prospecting game, would have lived with that day in and out. But after reading much of the descriptive poems you have written about the places
you have camped, I reckon, by chance, that was a win in itself!

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:35 pm

Great reflections here, Ron!

Like Sue, I really liked the "mud puddles of beauty" - definitely a different way of looking at the brickies' trade!

I too agree about the elements of chance and the sliding doors - it's amazing how the smallest occurrences can alter the course of life.

Well done!

Shelley Hansen
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Re: H/w 21/2/22 PERCHANCE

Post by Ron » Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:36 am

Thanks so much for the feedback Shelley, much appreciated.
Must admit, I don’t miss the trade at the moment though, with all this wet weather, it can make it very hard to make a quid! (been there!😟)
A lot of poor people doing it a lot tougher at the moment though!

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