Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

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Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Terry » Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:57 pm

A Marriage of ideas - the prompts were leading me one way - my mind the other

Old Memories

By glowing coals he’s resting near, he dreams the dreams of yesteryear
and near forgotten memories of youth, come back to him once more.
As pages from life’s book unfold come stories waiting to be told,
with visions of old Sydney town, and how things used to be before.

The harbour waters clear and clean the way it had once always been,
when bathed in sunshine on those warm and sunny days he used to know.
For city life back then had seemed the kind of life he’d always dreamed
and yet he threw it all away to seek adventure long ago.

He wandered all across this land from southern chill to desert sand,
a winter wrap up when down south then felt the searing heat out west.
He saw it all throughout the years and shared the love and shed some tears,
but never really put down roots, the rambling life had suited best.

Perhaps one day he’d settle down retiring back in Sydney town,
but found it hard to leave behind the freedom that he found outback.
It touched his heart as all could see – this was the place he wished to be
and cast a spell that saw him still addicted to the dusty track.

He stirs at last the daydream ends yet thinking still of long lost friends,
then views the starry sky and sees a vision of perfection there.
It’s time to then unroll his swag below a brooding Rocky Crag,
perhaps to dream again of mates and of the life they used to share.

©T. E. Piggott

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:13 pm

I loved the read Terry - certainly worked for me and I got it - our common sense tells us this is the path we have to take due to our age and/or circumstances but our minds certainly wander off on a different track altogether.

We are lucky that we have had the opportunity to wander these tracks in our past because travelling them again in our memories often gives great solace and pleasure. Nicely crafted work Terry and I very much liked the reference to the vision of perfection seen in the starry sky - no argument from me on that one - it always amazes me in a good way when I think that we all gaze on the exact same sky and yet the individual view is always so very different. City dwellers never get to see the full glory of the firmament with its billions of twinkling lights, shooting stars and busy satellites traversing it - the gauzy scarves of the milky way prettily draped across the heavens, and the ring around the moon that just enhances its magnitude; they pretty much only get the 'blank canvas' while the 'bushies' get the finished product :lol:
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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:34 pm

I totally agree - this is a lovely poem, Terry. The emotions are so easily felt, and your images as always are crystal clear. 'Addicted to the dusty track' - I like this - and also agree with Maureen with reference to the starry sky and its 'vision of perfection'. It seems we both went down the road of those who ramble and their subsequent poignant reflections. x

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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Ron » Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:56 am

Really enjoyed the read Terry, and with some great standout lines it made it easy to relate to.
'he dreams the dreams of yesteryear'! how true for us all as we get older.
Can't remember where I read the saying, but it was; ''Enjoy the moment before it's a memory!'' and I think we do that more and more as we age.
But also to have the ability of reflection is fantastic.
Well done mate,

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:42 pm

Another little pearler, Terry!

Internal rhyme is one of my favourite rhyme structures, as it always produces such a lyrical effect.
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Terry » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:07 pm

Thanks Maureen & Catherine

You mention the effect that starry skies have on people especially in remote ares.
They are the dominate thing at night outback, the equivalent of the city lights that most are accustomed to.
But a starlit sky offers much more, you can sit and watch them for hours and slowly learn the secrets of the night sky.
I suppose you could say it's almost intoxicating in it's own way, and you never seem to tire of it.

I was thinking of some of the people I met or knew who were really addicted to that lifestyle,
you need to spend a bit of time out there to understand the pull that it has on those people.
There's something about it that few outsiders would appreciate.


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Re: Home work June 2021 'Old Memories'

Post by Terry » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:21 pm

Thanks Ron And Shelley

Lonely nights out bush are ideal for daydreaming, and as you mention you tend to do more of it as you get older,
more highlights or not so highlights to look back on I guess.
Usually there's a few regrets and the occasional triumph to ponder and also memories of mates and special people you have known.
But that's life.


Talking of internal rhymes, for me it's usually something to do with how I want to start a poem, or perhaps some special line
that's popped into my head.
Also some poems just seem to want to be written that way.


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