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Posts: 1405
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Location: Port Lincoln SA


Post by r.magnay » Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:46 pm

Just reading some of Alans poems and saw the one about working underground, I just remembered that I wrote this one when I was working at Gecko in the N.T. in '96. I think I probably posted it on one of the sites in the past but here it is anyway.


© Ross Magnay 5/3/06

A thousand feet of granite, between my helmet and the sun,
There’s dust and heat and dirt and dark, and tainted waters run.
And here we see no treasure, no copper gold or lead,
As we work in our granite tomb, are we the living dead?

It’s drill and blast and truck the ore, then pull it up above,
We’re here to earn a bloody quid, we’re sure not here for love!
So pull the skips and shift the ore, we’ve got to get it out,
We’ll show that bloody day shift, what mining’s all about,

And when the shift is over, we’ll roll a box of beer,
That’s when the mining stories are the biggest that you’ll hear.
There’s twice as many headings bogged, and skips go up the shaft,
And faces bored and blasted, “Cock ups? Don’t be daft!”

So here we are at “Gecko”, toiling for our quids,
To pay the bills and buy some beers, and try to feed the kids,
And though each of us reckons that we’ll snatch it soon for sure,
After every break is done, we all come back for more!

Posts: 3334
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Gecko

Post by Terry » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:14 pm

G/day Mate

Describes it well Ross, a bit like toiling away 80 feet down in an opal mine,
only in your case you were going to get paid - no guarantees in the opal game as I'm sure you know.

How are you keeping these days mate.
I'm supposed to be down at Peaceful Bay hauling in King George whiting, but have had a small medical episode,
but hope to be back on deck soon.



Posts: 1405
Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:41 pm
Location: Port Lincoln SA

Re: Gecko

Post by r.magnay » Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:42 am

Gday Terry, yeah I know the uncertainties of the opal game...not unlike a lot of things in life really.
I'm keeping ok, have a doctors appointment this arvo to discuss the results of my annual blood tests so I guess I will have more idea after that how I am really going.
I have been doing a bit of fishing but the weather has been a bit unkind, we bought a 6m boat this year, Sheryl has retired and thought she might like to do some fishing but so far she has only been out in it once and that was a short trip, the grandson got crook!
I have a trip out to the group with an old mate who I do a bit of fishing with in his boat, going Wednesday if the weather stays as it is forecast.
I hope you recover from your medical issues soon and get back to wetting a line, keep the lines tight.

Posts: 96
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:57 pm
Location: North Queensland

Re: Gecko

Post by ALANM » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:36 pm

G'day Ross,
Good one mate,great to see more mining stories in verse.
There must be lots more stories from mining out there be good to see more of them.
Hard yakka, dangerous but rewarding, in more ways than just the money.

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