Home Sweet Home

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Home Sweet Home

Post by Terry » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:16 pm

Not Home-work, but this popped into my mind for some reason.

Home Sweet Home

I was sitting with the Missus when the thought first crossed my mind,
that there’s nothing quite as peaceful that a bloke like me could find.
No, this place is not palatial with a golden painted dome,
just a simple house and garden that I’m proud to call my home.

I had just returned from somewhere and was resting out the back,
looking out across the small domain, of our suburban shack;
with contentment slowly seeping through my aging weary bones,
from a lifetime of hard yakka, working far off arid zones.

There is something extra special here or so it seems to me,
when I’m seeking private refuge, there’s no place I’d rather be.
As you walk in through the front door, worries seem to melt away,
I have often thought of moving, but perhaps I’d better stay.

© T.E. Piggott

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Home Sweet Home

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:16 am

Beautiful, Terry!

I remember especially during my working years, when I would turn the corner into our street at the end of a long hard day, I would think, "Ah! Sanctuary at last!"

Do you want to leave this post in the Writing Workshop or would it be more appropriate in Member's Poetry? I can move it if you wish.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

Posts: 3338
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Home Sweet Home

Post by Terry » Fri Feb 01, 2019 2:46 pm

Hi again Shelley - and thanks

You're probably right, it's not really homework is it.
Move it by all means if you wish - Members Poetry could probably do with something a bit more recent.

Speaking of the main thrust of the poem, there is a sense of refuge and escaping the rest of the world at least for a moment or two, when you first arrive home.



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