A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:49 pm

Among other recent additions to the Harding Collection (which include some significant audio recordings too), are the following Books ...
(I will include approx prices because like The Antiques Roadshow, one appreciates getting a feel for what things are worth)

Bush Echoes. W. A. Horn 1915 .. second copy, but this exhibition copy has a beautiful, blue, velvet cover with a woodcut inset showing an aboriginal hunting. $40 Lovely ballad writing.

Call of the Bush. 1940 Jim Grahame (yet another copy of a very limited run, but I cannot get enough of Jim Grahame, even if each copy appears to have the same contents!?). $35.

The Man from Kangaroo. Bill Freame. 1927 $50. Rare. Good writing.

Australian Idylls and Bush Rhymes. Henty. Very Scarce. 1896 $150. At that price, shut your eyes and press the BUY button. No regrets though. :)

Australians Yet. Grant Hervey. $13 second copy. You either love Grant or you hate him. In his time, many hated him. But as a poet he has to be admired and included here.

The Chronicles of the Bread and Cheese Club. Harry Malloch (worthy scribe). 1943. $150 Been eyeing off this scarce book for ages, and finally took the plunge. It is an integral part of the history of Australian Bush Ballad poetry.

Having trouble updating the website catalogue but will get there soon. cheers to all. Gary.

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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:06 pm

I find it satisfying to search for and then discover bush poets of lesser fame but of great talent. Poets whose work was very good, perhaps exhibiting occasional flashes of brilliance.

Bush poetry in its Golden Age (up to the late 1950's) included not only the well-known "stars" but all the lesser-others who made up the entire substantial galaxy of great bush ballad poetry.

Such a poet is Cecil Lowther (aka Bannerman), a local bloke mentioned previously so I enjoy giving him a plug. My interest is really in his writing and not his biography (other than at a very superficial level). His life is his business and going there in depth is a bit academic and intrusive, but his wonderful writing however is open for everybody's enjoyment. Here is a very small sample from this prolific writer. I hope it is appreciated.

Our Women and The War (an extract from)

"Here's to the mothers of boys who have gone
To fight for their country and king:
Those mothers who bravely have given a son,
Tho' grief to their hearts it did bring.
Here's to the women who put self aside
And parted with husbands so dear;
Well may the Empire regard them with pride,
And honour their names with a cheer.

That which they've given is worth more than gold -
The sunshine and pride of their lives.
While honouring soldiers and sailors so bold
Remember the mothers and wives."

Maryborough Qld 17.1.1915

The attached photo was supplied to me by George Seymour, Deputy Mayor here at Fraser Coast.
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:24 am

Hi Gary

Thanks for bringing our local classic bush poet to wider notice! I notice there is also now a Facebook page about him and his poetry.,

As we've discussed before, I was well acquainted with Cecil Lowther's son (also named Cecil) - who taught at my primary school. I also kept in touch with him intermittently after his retirement.

The photo of Cecil Snr brings back a flood of memories, as the likeness between father and son is remarkable!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:02 pm

Thanks Shelley.. I had not noticed Bannerman's facebook page. Much appreciated.


It looks like George Seymour has been busy there, I would suspect. The more Comments and Likes given by ABPA members on this page, the more incentive there is for George to produce the book!!

George's "Bannerman" book has been delayed and looks like coming out later this year. The first booklet (which I have and is available from the Historical Society in Kent Street for $10) is short and only deals with the first world war.

Given that he was a prolific writer, when a major selection of his better work is gathered in one book, it will be easier to get a feel for how good he really is.. or was.
For now he is at least interesting I think?

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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:43 am

Recent additions in the last month :

Bill The Whaler Will Lawson (second copy) 1944
Poems of Henry Kendall 1920
For Australia and Other Poems Henry Lawson 1913
Fair Girls and Gray Horses Will H Ogilvie 1906
Selections from The Australian Poets 1926
(Edited by Stevens and Geoge Mackeness M.A.)
How M'Dougall Topped the Score 1906 First Ed.
When The World Was Wide Henry Lawson 1912
Call Of The Bush Jim Grahame 1940 yet another copy
Boundary Bend Edward Harrington 1936 yet another copy
While The Billy Boils Henry Lawson (prose) 1923
Mary Gilmore Fourteen Men (two copies)
Mary Gilmore The Tilted Cart 1925

Now I am no fan of Mary Gilmore as a "bush poet" in particular. She is OK in places.. just... kind of an awkward style ... not what I particularly enjoy though.. but then my boundaries are fairly tight when it comes to good bush poetry. It comes down to personal taste as always.

Nevertheless she is interesting. After all most people carry around her picture with them in their wallets. On the $10 note with Paterson.

Inscription :

"It is with great pleasure I write my name here for Mr. Cyril Goode, reason being his remarkable collection of Australian Poetry which I believe now is about 700 volumes, some of these very rare. Mary Gilmore 23.12.48 Sydney"

This is a valuable book (well there is only one with this unique inscription!) plus it has her hand-written notations throughout. Cyril Goode was a very well known book collector.

The NLA have a CD of Edward Harrington being interviewed for an hour in 1955. Well worth a buy and listen.
He recounts his life with fascinating anecdotes... he talks about the war and his father's stories of the bushrangers. His father had no time for the Kelly Gang, claiming they were not bushrangers, just ordinary bank robbers! The bush was all gone anyway by that time he reckoned...

Edward did say "You know that when writers (bush poets presumably) meet there is an immediate warmth and friendship. It just happens. A kinship. Friends.. straight away"

I wonder if that accords with the experience of ABPA members. Friends, straight away.
The Tilted Cart - 2.jpg
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:31 am

..speaking of Ned Kelly..

When I was in a band, we would sing the fashionable Ned Kelly songs!

All the lyrics were sympathetic to Ned of course ... he was a larger than life character for sure.

"So with income tax and sales tax and the price of taxi cabs,
And the way they charge these days for a few beers and packet of smokes
I say to myself..... old Ned and his mates
They weren't such bad blokes!" from the song "Poor Ned Kelly"

One day I decided to read a book about Ned (there are dozens of them) and see who he really was. Try and figure him out. Condemn him or be sympathetic.
It was impossible to conclude anything. It was a story... of events in those times.

Did the punishment fit the crime?

I am not one for blindly applying today's justice and values (such as they are) to crimes that happened in a different society 100 or 200 years ago.
Perhaps today Ned would be labelled a cop-killer? Would he be hailed as a Robin Hood and featured on Celebrity Serial Killer on TV!? poor old Ned.

Years ago I tried to write a poem about Ned Kelly.. it has never been published or polished.. pretty basic poem so it can stay in the bottom drawer from whence it came.


I sing not of heroes or those gone before
Who fought for their rights or who upheld the law,
But of infamous deeds and the murderous spree,
That marked the short life of one Edward Kelly.

From Stringybark Creek to Jerilderee's town,
His gang roamed at will hard pursued by the Crown,
They ambushed the sergeant and filled him with lead,
Then shot him again to make sure he was dead!

So sadly Beth Kennedy watched by the door
In vain for her husband returning no more
Two fatherless children Ned left in his wake
To weep for the life he had no need to take.

Ned's clever defence — to make reason excuse
Was dismissed, as it should, for the judge had no use
For a murderer cruel who would kill without thought,
And a sentence of death was the verdict he brought.

Thus ended the life of that bold villain Ned.
Enough has been writ and too much has been said.
He died as he lived without care or remorse,
And few shed a tear when the law took its course.

So farewell Ned Kelly and good riddance too.
My contempt for the fools who would deify you.
May your soul be condemned, may you never find peace,
From your murderous spree we have found our release.

Gary Harding (year unknown.)

Well I must have been negative towards him then.. ! haha

Beth Kennedy certainly was at that time.... but now I have mellowed. :)

Ben Hall was different...

I once met a lady who told me that she had a female relative who was bailed up by Ben Hall. She said to Ben "I thought that Ben Hall was a gentleman who did not rob ladies!" Ben turned on his heels and departed without robbing her.

I have no reason to disbelieve that family story.

Cheers, Gary
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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:13 pm

Speaking again of Ned Kelly.... and my tenuous connection with him..

I know where, in someone's private secure floor-safe, is the actual execution hood that they placed over Ned Kelly's head when he went to the gallows!! .. at the Melbourne Jail.

Now I am pretty tough.. reckon I have seen everything in life at least once.. but when I saw that hood a few years ago with a mate, and we looked at each other.... and knew that it was the last thing that Ned saw...and I touched it... geez.

They say that your blood runs cold, and the hairs on your neck stand up when something is spooky.. it is true!

It scared the life out of me. Tough Bush Poet or not!

"Four horseman rode out from the heart of the range,
Four horseman with aspects forbidding and strange.
They were booted and spurred, they were armed to the teeth,
And they frowned as they looked at the valley beneath,
As forward they rode through the rocks and the fern -
Ned Kelly, Dan Kelly, Steve Hart and Joe Byrne.
Through the gullies and creeks they rode silently down;
They stuck-up the station and raided the town;
They opened the safe and they looted the bank;
They laughed and were merry, they ate and they drank.
Then off to the ranges they went with their gold -
Oh! never were bandits more reckless and bold."

Edward Harrington

I have no idea if fellow bush poetry enthusiasts find this stuff that I mention here to be inspiring and interesting... or not.

I gather not.... as there have been no comments.

Oh well.... I just try and please... :)

In any case I personally find it enormously important!!!

It makes one want to pick up a pen and write about it ... even if "Enough has been writ and too much has been said"

But let me say this...

I also have the text of a letter written from Sir Robert Menzies to Edward Harrington, plus a lot of other Harrington stuff too ... and that is also spooky. There is a lot more to come very soon with Edward Harrington, but time will reveal all of that... and I hope it will prove at least of some small interest to bush poets.

cheers, Gary

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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:21 pm

Cruising the garage sales again on Saturday and bought a couple of boxes of magazines for $5. Mainly bought for the military mags... but got them home, proceeded to turf out the Women's Weeklies, RACQ periodicals etc and lo and behold came across a nice $2.50 magazine from 1980 promoting a film made by Channel 7 about Ned Kelly. The Last Outlaw.

"The "E and K conjoined" brand shown on the cover was carried by all Ned's horses including Mirth, the superb bay mare that he rode through most of his outlawry."

A great historical-pictorial journal (a copy is on eBay $34.00) showing the superb wardrobe and scenery recreation done in the film.

I just cannot get away from Ned Kelly... perhaps his ghost has ridden out from the Strathbogie Range and is after me!

..also acquisitions in the last 3 weeks

Boundary Bend E. Harrington still another copy
Pro Hart's Breaker Morant illustrated poems signed Pro Hart!
australian colonial poetry ... not a good book
C J Dennis Sentimental Bloke story... 100 stamps, in two mint sheets ! rare
C J Dennis His Remarkable Career Alec. Chisholm
Waltzing Matilda.. origins of Richard Magoffin
Harry Hastings Pearce The Waltzing Matilda debate.. replies to criticism, limited to 100 copies
Nine Miles from Gundagai.. Jack Moses incl. loose poem dated 1889!! Eagle Farm second copy
Beyond the City Gates $75 with great DJ (second copy) Jack Moses
Stamps (10).. the story of Waltzing Matilda 1980 fine, used
1899 Bulletin Magazine copy, not original. Incl. EJ Brady poem
Under Wide Skies Jim Grahame seventh (7) copy
Radiant Land T V Tierney signed, inscribed. Third copy of 200 copy limited run.
Bulletin Book of Humorous Verse and Recitations 1920 Book dedicated to Jack Moses
Songs for Camp and Canteen 1941 incl music for a poem by J Moses
TV Week Leonard Teale solo on cover
TV Week Len and Liz on cover
TV Week Homicide crew with Len on cover

While some of these items are not books, they nevertheless are important bush poetry related feature/display and memorabilia items. They are all part of the complete picture of Australian Bush Poetry.
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Gary Harding
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Re: A Catalogue of classic Bush Poetry Books

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:02 am

All the final pieces of this puzzle are falling in to place.
This hurdle poem appeared in a newspaper in 1935.

J A (Jimmy) Connors (aka "Cyclone") was a jockey. However the poem was indeed originally written in 1889.

The handwritten poem I have was obviously transcribed because the writer wrote initials A J instead of J A. Hence confusion. Not an original document, sadly.

Whoever copied it from the paper in 1935, and it looks like an older-hand, must have inserted it into Jack Moses' signed 1938 copy of Nine Miles From Gundagai.

J Connors himself was not a jump jockey. He later worked for the famous Walter ("Wat") Blacklock at Ormond Lodge stables, Eagle Farm.
Lots of other history and facts but I will not go on...

Jimmy passed away in about 1933 at Beaudesert, Qld ...fortunately not before penning (among other great verses) a poem called :
On The Banks Of The Reedy Lagoon

Folk/bush music enthusiasts would likely be familiar with it?

The best version I know was done by The Cobbers Bush Band. It is on their Cobbers album (1980)

I have sung along with this track many times, little knowing that the lyricist Mr. Connors and I would cross paths some 130 years after he penned a lovely horse racing poem.
A time when I hope to gather some of his faded poetic work and feature him... and the great story of re-finding him for bush poetry buffs, and others.

"Jimmy" rides again....

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