Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

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Shelley Hansen
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Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:25 pm

I'd like to express appreciation to David Campbell for his excellent article in the latest April/May 2017 issue of ABPA magazine - "We Must Maintain Standards in Written Competitions".

This is a subject that has been discussed at length on this forum, and David has expertly gathered the key points of relevance for the benefit of both written competitors and judges - and beyond, to an audience comprising all ABPA members.

The accuracy of rhyme and metre is a major defining aspect of Australian Bush Poetry. Today's fine bush poetry writers are embracing contemporary topics as well as preserving historical and traditional themes - which is as it should be. I believe ABPA has the responsibility to ensure that its showcase of modern prize-winning written poems is diverse, relevant, and represents the "cream of the crop".

Thanks again, David.

Best Regards
Shelley Hansen
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Brenda Joy
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Brenda Joy » Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:21 am

All that Shelley has said. Thank you so much David for continuing to be our 'champion' in this and other issues pertinent to the writers of our unique genre.
Brenda Joy and Hal
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Brenda Joy » Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:35 am

Just noting that my comments as the judge for the Dunedoo Written Bush Poetry Competition (posted in Results on the ABPA website), agree with David's viewpoint.

Another issue that David has drawn attention to in the past is the follow up from competitions.

Just advising, with respect to Dunedoo -- the results and report were published (by me) on line on 7th March, however, due to the (understandable) difficulties of the Dunedoo community following their bush fire disasters, the applicable certificates, assessment sheets and poems have not been sent out. Eric Beer has now advised that there will be a meeting this Saturday, 29th April, and that everything should be in the mail following that.

With respect to the Boyup Brook Written Bush Poetry Competition. -- Bill Gordon advised by phone to Hal last night that everything is in the mail.

Again, thank you David for the issues you bring to attention of members both in the magazine and in these pages.
Brenda Joy
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Wendy Seddon
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Wendy Seddon » Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:00 pm

Ditto Shelley and yes, thank you David

Without the challenge to adhere to the high standards set and expected
in writing for competition, I would not have found exactly what I am capable of.

No 'close enough is good enough' for me and I expect to be judged that way.
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:15 pm

Good for you, Wendy ... and your recent successes are the proof of the pudding! It's a real joy to see you taking the same journey I began just a few years ago, inspired by our fine writers to strive to be the best I could be. It is a never-ending journey of creative discovery and learning ... that's what makes it so wonderful! :D

Brenda, thanks for the update re Dunedoo and Boyup Brook mail outs, and also for your insightful judge's comments on the Dunedoo competition as published on the Results page.

Cheers Shelley
Shelley Hansen
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David Campbell
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by David Campbell » Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:33 am

Thanks for opening this up for discussion, Shelley, as there are a few things to add. Firstly, congratulations, Brenda, on your judge’s report for the Dunedoo competition. It’s excellent advice, and something that should be read by anyone interested in improving their writing. It underlines the importance of showcasing the very best of bush verse on this site, poetry that doesn’t compromise the standards set by the ABPA. Because we face a real battle to get any form of poetry recognised in Australia, and good rhyming verse has attributes that can help to cut through public indifference.

But it’s not easy. Back in March I submitted an article to The Age that both celebrated World Poetry Day (March 21) and promoted rhyming verse. I sent it in a full week beforehand, but it was completely ignored by the opinion editor. In fact, I didn’t see anything about World Poetry Day anywhere in the Australian media.

Also in March, I submitted an article to the literary editor of The Australian criticising a newly-published anthology called Contemporary Australian Poetry (Puncher and Wattman) because, although it purports to be “…a critical review of Australian poetry between 1990 and the present (2016)”, it doesn’t include a single bush poet. There are 239 poets represented in its 658 pages and bush poetry doesn’t even rate a mention. It simply doesn’t exist in that world, a clear indication of the fight we have on our hands. There are a handful of poems in the book that give a nod to rhyming verse (most notably by Stephen Edgar), but otherwise it’s all free verse. As you know, I enjoy writing free verse, but to see our traditional style not even acknowledged by the four editors is absolutely infuriating and I’m going to make that point to the publisher. It’s an expensive hardback ($49.95), but if anyone else wants to lash out and buy a copy and do the same it’d be a big help! So far I’ve had no response from The Australian either, so it seems that that article is also going to be ignored.

Meanwhile, the closing date for the Bruce Dawe competition is coming up on May 12, so let’s get some entries into that and see if we can make any inroads into the free verse establishment.


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Brenda Joy
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Brenda Joy » Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:00 pm

Thank you for your comments David and again thank you for all you do especially as you are successful outside the bush poetry arena -- which shows that your concern for the tradition is based on sincerity.

The results of the Laura Literary Awards have just been sent through to the winners -- how wonderful to not have to chase up organisers for their follow ups. After the weekend awards ceremony these will be published on the ABPA website in 'Events and Results'.

Mentioning them here is pertinent for two reasons. Firstly, even the name of the winning poet for the Bush Poetry Section assures us that the poem to take out this award will be of a high standard with strict adherence to accurate rhyme and good metre. Whoever comes second or third to a worthy winner does so with great respect. Secondly, in the Open Section (all forms accepted), the second place getter has used accurate rhyme and metre in a consistent, if unusual, pattern throughout. It is always heartening to have a poem from our genre succeed in an open format. Eventually, we will endure. LOL
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:36 pm

Hi All

Yes David, I've done my best with the Bruce Dawe Competition - as you say, it will be interesting to see if any bush poetry makes inroads there - especially given the positive comments you received from the organisers. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

It's very disappointing (but typical) to see the lack of interest in bush verse as a "legitimate" form of Australian culture - as evidenced by the book you mention, David, and also the rejection of your articles. As we've lamented before, it's hard to rise above the "doggerel" reputation which seems to follow us around (in the minds of some observers, anyway!!) We can only do our best and keep plugging away, I guess.

That's good news about Laura, Brenda. I'm certainly looking forward to hearing the results and hopefully reading the winning poems (I know they are not mine, as I've received no advice from the organisers). When good quality bush poetry holds its own in an open competition, it's a real cause for celebration for all of us - not just the winning poets.

Shelley Hansen
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Brenda Joy
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Brenda Joy » Mon May 01, 2017 1:54 pm

Below are the Open Poetry and Bush Poetry results from Laura.

2017 LAURA LITERARY AWARDS Laura, South Australia.

Winner - “A Farmer’s Yard” by Edith Speers Dover Tasmania
Highly Commended
“In a Mangrove World” by Brenda Joy Coochiemudlo Island Qld
Commended - “Soldiers” by Edith Speers Caves Beach, NSW
Winner – “A Man Alone” by David Campbell Aireys Inlet Vic
Highly Commended – “As Shadows Fall” by Brenda Joy Coochiemudlo Isl Qld
Commended – “Windmill” by Neil Mumford Port Pirie SA
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Article in ABPA Magazine - re Written Competitions

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon May 01, 2017 5:57 pm

Wonderful! Congratulations David and Brenda on your success.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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