WA State Championships 2016

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WA State Championships 2016

Post by Irene » Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:49 pm

Hi Everyone
The WA State championships are coming up in November - we have a written competition, as well as performance. Entries for both close on 7th October. Would love to see some of you over in WA to compete, as well as written entries.

Please contact me for an emailed copy of entry form/details of entry.
Entries can be submitted via email/direct deposit.


Conditions of Entry- written competition

1. Entry fee per poem: Adults: $5.00; Juniors: Free; No refunds if disqualified. If a detailed commentary from the judge is required, please add an extra $5 per poem.

2. Maximum 4 entries per person

3. Entries must be the original work of the entrant

4. Entries must have very good rhyme and rhythm and be an original story with an Australian theme

5. A poem which has previously won any written competition cannot be entered

6. Poem, which in the opinion of the judge contain offensive material, will be disqualified

7. Poems must be typed (or electronically printed) on white A4 size paper, with black printing in a plain font, size 10-12

8.Two copies of each poem must be provided

9. The entrant's name or any identifying information MUST NOT appear on the poem/s –
ONLY on this entry form

10. The poem's name must appear on the top of the page. If more than one page, the poem's name must appear at the top of each page, and pages must be numbered and stapled

11. The competition is conducted in accordance with ABPA guideline recommendations
(refer to www.abpa.org.au/competitions)

12. Judging will be by a judge approved by the ABPA

13. The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into

14. Entries may be displayed at the WA State Championships at Toodyay (Friday 4th November – Sunday 6th November 2016 and may be published in the WA Bush Poets monthly newsletter “The Bully Tin” and I hereby give my permission for such display and/or publication

(Note: to assist in facilitating such publication, entrants are requested to email their poem/s to Irene Conner at the following address: iconner21@wn.com.au)


Monetary prizes will be awarded for the best poem in each of the 6 categories

Each winner as well as those judged 'Highly Commended' or 'Commended' will receive a Certificate.

WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners Association
State Championships 2016
Conducted under the auspices of the Australian Bush Poets Association Inc.
Entries Close 7th October 2016



Phone:________________________Email: _________________________

Categories– Please tick categories entered:
1. Open Serious}
2. Open Humorous } The WA Written Champion Poet will be judged across these 2 categories
3. Novice Only for poets who have never won a Bush Poetry Written Competition
4. Junior 5 – 12 years old
5. Junior 13 --‐17 years old
6. Local - The best poem by a resident of the Avon Valley

Title/s of Poem/s Category Entered





Entry Fees: Adults $5 per poem; Juniors Free; (no refunds if disqualified). (Plus $5 for judges comments if required). Payment can be made by:
Cheque or Money Order: made out to “WA Bush Poets and Yarnspinners Ass'n”, and posted to:

WABPYS State Championship Entry
c/--Irene Conner
PO Box 584
Jurien Bay 6516. or

Direct Bank Transfer: BSB 633-‐000 Ac/ 1569 896 59; Name WA Bush Poets; Ref (your name), then 2016 SCP; and then email treasurer@wabushpoets.asn.au informing of Direct Bank Transfer.

1.I agree to the conditions on the reverse side of this application form:

Signature: _____________________Date: _______________Guardian (if Junior) ____________________

WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners Association
WA State Championships 2016
Conducted under the auspices of the Australian Bush Poets Association Inc.
FRIDAY 4th November - SUNDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2016
Entries Close 7th October 2016



Phone:_________________ Email:________________________

Categories - Please tick categories entered:
Junior Original
Saturday AM Novice Classic Reader
Saturday PM Traditional (Other Poet)
Sunday AM

Junior (Other Poet)
Saturday AM Yarn Spinning
Saturday PM Original Serious
Sunday AM

Novice Original
Saturday AM Modern (Other Poet)
Saturday PM Original Humorous
Sunday PM

Novice (Other Poet)
Saturday AM
For "Traditional" and "Modern" classifications, to avoid repetition of poems, entrants are requested to indicate their First and Second choice of poems below. These will be decided by the WABP&YS Committee on a "first in" basis.
Traditional (1stchoice)______________________________(2ndchoice)_______________________________
Modern (1st choice)________________________________(2nd choice)_____________________________
Entry Fees: Adults $5.00 per event; Juniors Free. Payment by:
Cheque or Money Order: made out to “WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Ass'n”, and posted to:

WABPYS State Championship Entry
c/--Irene Conner
PO Box 584 Jurien Bay, WA,6156
Direct Bank Transfer: BSB 633---000 Ac/ 1569 896 59; Name WA Bush Poets; Ref (your name), then 2016 SCP ; and then email: treasurer@wabushpoets.asn.au informing of Direct Bank Transfer.
1. The poem/s entered in“Original“category is/are my own work/s:Signature________________________
2. I have obtained copyright permission to perform the above poem/s and declare that the onus for any breach of copyright is not the responsibility of the competition organizers.
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: WA State Championships 2016

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:45 pm

Thanks so much, Irene! Are you OK with this going on the ABPA Facebook page? I won't post full details - just a link to the information on the main ABPA website Events page if OK with you.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: WA State Championships 2016

Post by Irene » Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:34 am

More than happy with that Shelley. They can contact me for an emailed entry form.
What goes around, comes around.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: WA State Championships 2016

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:28 pm

Great! :D I'll get it organised.

Thanks, Irene.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: WA State Championships 2016

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:20 pm

Gee you are bonza girls!

IRene....I'm a tad overtired at present ( that's my excuse anyway) but do we email entries to you, and then email The Treasurer with our electronically paid entry fees?

I'm hoping that when I've finished up all the Copper Croc stuff that I may actually get time to....write! again.

Good luck with it all love, it's a huge job and much appreciated by all, I'm sure.
xx Glenny P
The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others.

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