Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

For posting notices of interest to members - notices that may not make it to the Mag or the Web-site.
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Hal Pritchard
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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Hal Pritchard » Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:12 pm

You would have seen this Maureen. Member Achievements – Maureen Clifford aka The Scribbly Bark Poet. It was on the ABPA main website as a feature under Member Achievements in September 2015 and can be accessed by clicking onto 'See previously featured achievers'. Again, I think that this shows that the committee at that time were appreciative to you for running the Facebook efficiently.

Always strive for total awareness.

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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:54 am

Thank you Brenda - that was the acknowledgement to which I referred and whilst I initially missed this write up that I sent in for Members Achievements page I am very happy to see that it was granted a place there Hal - thank you for drawing my attention to it.

I am personally delighted Shelley to see that a facebook page will continue on for ABPA - I have already given it a 'like' and look forward to mutual sharing of interesting posts in the future to the benefit of all poets and poetry in general. Poetry is meant to be shared.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.


Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by manfredvijars » Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:21 am

G'day Shelly and the Caretaker Executive,

I've been reluctant to respond to any of the recent going-ons, but enough is enough ...

I've been in the ABPA longer than any of the executive, and probably the committee too (except for Bob Magor). For two years I've been a State Rep, President for six and VP for one. In that time I re-built the existing ABPA web-site after it was gutted, re-built and nurtured the Forum as well as a few other little things along the way. I mention this to let you and others know that I have willingly volunteered my time and efforts in serving the ABPA Membership and wider Bush Poetry community without seeking personal gain.

It's commendable that the current (Caretaker) Committee has taken an interest in pushing our Bush Poetry to a wider audience via Social Media.
I personally applaud this move and will support it any way I can.

The page known as, "Australian Rhyming Poets", built by me, has been live for a tad over three years now. I also contributed personal funds to promote this page in it's infancy. I never asked for recompense, or let it known that this was done - until now.

Maureen was appointed Administrator "carte blanche". She has diligently and creatively built online interest in the page. In the last three years, Maureen and I have discussed and implemented various strategies to lift the exposure of the Facebook page. These strategies appear to have worked. I have also offered to share knowledge and discuss strategies with the committee. But this has fallen on deaf ears!

Ironically I spoke with Rhonda's husband/partner a few years ago about coming on board for the ABPA website. Nothing eventuated then, and now he's the administrator.

Given the recent treatment I have personally received by this current executive, I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to hand over so much good work to a "CARETAKER" administration who have already cut a swath of destruction through the ABPA Forum.

That the current Caretaker administration have shown a 'sudden' interest in Social Media is interesting. The previous executive, had not been interested in Social media or the Forum.

By way of reminder, neither Tom nor Hal were elected at the AGM, in other words the ABPA does not have a President. This is a caretaker administration.

If by chance, this reply gets deleted or modified in any way, the original will be distributed to a more select audience along with my reply to The Secretary's invective in the last Committee's minutes!


Manfred Vijars.

P.S. I will also remind you that I'm still a financial member and am entitled to (like all members) copies of committee minutes and the organisation's financials on request.

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Rhonda Tallnash
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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Rhonda Tallnash » Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:58 am

Dear All Who Are Interested. I was elected at the AGM as Secretary of the ABPA and I am not in 'caretaker' mode. Tom was elected as VP and when the elected President stood down, as per normal protocols, he became President - thereby being duly elected - he is not in 'caretaker' mode. Every other person on the Committee was elected in person or via proxy votes on the day - they are not in 'caretaker' mode. Hal Pritchard and Shelley Hansen undertook important roles after no-one else came forward and were placed in official positions via resolutions of the Committee and Executive. We are extremely grateful for their service and contribution. Anyone who would like to be a part of the team is welcome to stand for office next January at the AGM. Minutes of meetings are just that - minutes - a record of the meeting that are taken without prejudice. They are sent by email to all the people at the meeting to check for accuracy before publication. I will not tolerate defamation of my character. Please cease and desist and return to poetry. Rhonda - Secretary ABPA
Last edited by Rhonda Tallnash on Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by keats » Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:14 pm

Bush Poetry used to be fun. What happened? When did we become a political party? I'm too scared to even attend ABPA sanctioned events these days and just work independently so I can enjoy what I'm doing.

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Rhonda Tallnash
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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Rhonda Tallnash » Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:24 pm

I'm with you Neil! Just trying to do a job to the best of my ability. :) Thanks for the response. I hope to see you and Colleen in Mildura! Rhonda x

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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by keats » Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:27 pm

You are doing a fantastic job. I'll be at Mildura. Currently in Charters Towers for the winter.

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Rhonda Tallnash
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Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Rhonda Tallnash » Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:33 pm

Lucky duck! It's freezzing here!


Re: Introducing the new ABPA Facebook page ...

Post by Heather » Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:05 pm

Robust discussion has always been a part of this forum and on many, many occasions we have agreed to disagree. We may disagree, we may not like the comments or opinions of others, but there is something called "free speech" of which we have always been proud of - and practised here. I see no evidence of "defamation" here - just people who see things differently or have differences of opinion.

What I do find objectionable, are forum users, particularly committee members, calling other forum users names. It is totally inappropriate and unseemly.

I think those who had something to say have said it and I can see no benefit in the discussion continuing. I am now locking this topic. Time to move along people.

