Book launch

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Re: Book launch

Post by Heather » Tue May 03, 2016 7:14 pm

I doubt she has a spare $18k either Bob...

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Gary Harding
Posts: 675
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:26 pm
Location: Hervey Bay, Qld (ex Victorian)

Re: Book launch

Post by Gary Harding » Tue May 03, 2016 7:23 pm

Heather, it may be worth talking to your local Member of Parliament... or the MP for the area(s) where the fires happened. Explain your situation and what you want. i.e. to publish more copies to satisfy public demand. If the book can be considered as important in assisting those folk who suffered materially or psychologically (I am sure it would be) there may be government funding somewhere for additional printing and for it to be available free of charge at Council Offices to ratepayers on request for example.

There may or may not be residual funding from the Bushfire Fund itself, unless of course your funding actually came from there in the first place.
Local State libraries should be made aware of it, so that it can be considered as a potential procurement. Lots of local libraries around and if a demand is established for such a noble book, then again the government would no doubt find the money for extra publications. Naturally there should be at least one copy lodged at the Victorian and Other State libraries. (They pay you for them, or cover costs at least)

Lots of photo opportunites for pollies in helping a desperate public get hold of a book that allows them to understand and perhaps ameliorate the effects of the event.

Sorry that does not help in actually selling it, but on the other hand if there are enough free copies floating around then the Review copies that you will get yourself can go free to good friends and then all who want a copy get one.

That's the best constructive thinking I can offer Heather... some ideas may already have been done. Good luck. You are amazing.


Re: Book launch

Post by Heather » Tue May 03, 2016 7:44 pm

Thanks for the suggestions Gary. We had two grants and one was from the Bushfire fund.

The State Library of Victoria and National Library both have copies as part of Legal Deposit (at our expense). It is a legal requirement to deposit any published book with those libraries. It is also in local libraries and local school libraries. We've also given copies to local CFA units to keep as a library copy.

I doubt politicians would be interested. It was seven years ago - it's old news. Craig Lapsley was going to see if he could find some "cash" for us.

Anyways, still got a few to get to get out there. Then we'll worry about the next bit.

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