Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

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Gary Harding
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:26 am

First session of the Arts Inquiry... Wednesday 5th August in Melbourne.
It is also a simultaneous attempt at the Guinness World Record for the "longest (recorded) continuous winge".
Yes, one continuous winge and gripe from start to finish.
Amazing Australian stuff.
You can also hear the audio streamed to a live (if not asleep) audience.
Be there for the excitement : Hotel Grand Chancellor, 131 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. 9.00am prompt... free coffee to keep you awake.

(I have a feeling that there actually may be a few unpleasant surprises in store for some of these wingers who reckon they are going to walk all over this Inquiry... wait and see.)

Neville Briggs
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Neville Briggs » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:52 pm

I can't get there. I was going to hitch a ride with Bronwyn's limo but apparently it's off the road.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Neville Briggs » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:57 am

Then Matt, like Robert Frost I might take the road less travelled by.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Heather » Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:49 pm

Oh dear. :roll: I will be heading in the opposite direction.

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Gary Harding
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:41 pm

I gather by the silence here that everyone was overawed by the first day of the Senate Hearing.. in Melbourne.
In fact there was an arrogant bloke at about 1.00pm who reckoned that bush ballads did not even rate a mention in poetry..
Their noses were so far out of joint when George dared to read Bush Poetry at Estimates !! Brilliant stuff.
I am really getting to like this George Brandis!
He is in the groove!
They even sent him poetic books of "How to grow mushrooms on the moon" etc to try and convince him that Modern poetry was where it was at and The Man from Snowy River" was OUT.
No hope!
Amazing stuff.!!!! Unreal.
I do not ask for support from ABPA ... I do my own thing and in the end it is all FUN!
People who reckon that "A woman at 40 weeks gestation contemplates her undergarments" is where it is at.... well... what can I say!
With my my advocacy (and Heather's fantastic glamour of course!!).. well.. hopefully we can give them all a blood nose.. or worse. In Brisbane.
Anyway... for those few who have a modicum of fighting spirit.... let us show them where it is REALLY at in Poetry. Get them off those funny mushrooms and into the Real World.
Line up your gunsights, allow for deflection...and let us give them a solid burst!
Henry Lawson would approve... I am sure.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:50 pm

Is there something you want people to do to aid the cause Gary or show their support of your suggestions?

I am a bit nonplussed by it all, not thinking too sharp about political things - good on you for trying to make a positive change though
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Gary Harding
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:32 pm

I believe that a Senate Inquiry should be just that.. an inquiry to find out the facts impartially.
No politics... (I stupidly thought).

Not just a petty chance to stick the knife into your political opposition or cynically chase the arty-vote.

To seek the truth on behalf of the public.

Naive me.

After hearing the first Melbourne session and some of the "loaded" vote-seeking comments and questions from opposition Senators to a totally one-sided audience, frankly I just wanted to tell them all what they could do with their version of "democracy" and the whole rotten corrupt "artie" lot of them... the left-handed asylum-seeker basket-weavers collectives.... all complaining about how there is no more job security and free taxpayer money..

Well guys, welcome to the real world.

Then I heard this stooge at 1.00pm laying it on Bush Poetry and I thought "...right mate.... you are on"

Even if Í just appear there to stick it right up those "poetic" arties, I will do it... and good on George Brandis for taking the whole rotten lot of the selfish sods on. If I get the chance, I will do it too.
Green or Blue or Purple party....whatever political colour they are... to them it is about votes and to me it is about Henry Lawson. May the most noble cause win.

... and George will win.

I don't know if that is politics, but I am there for Henry and Banjo.. and the rest of them can all go to... well...

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:12 am

Gees Gary will just please answer a question in English ! You are sounding more Arty every day :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do not recognise any of the other submissions ? was there one from ABPA ? if not why not ?

Jokes aside Mate Maureen asked ?

( Is there something you want people to do to aid the cause Gary or show their support of your suggestions?)

I've got Georges e mail address already loaded if needed.

So in one line Is There ? and is this list current ?

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The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!


Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by warooa » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:09 am

The left-handed asylum-seeker basket-weavers collectives?

Interesting . . . are these a sub-clique of arts luvvies who've been cast out from their place of origin due to weaving baskets with their non-preffered hand? If so I think they should be encouraged to express their very unique selves and their story for us all to hear (preferably in rhyme and metre). In the unlikely chance that this does occur perhaps we could help them out and the next set of writing workshop prompts that Maureen sets for homework could include


and, keeping with the theme and to make it exponentially more challenging (and entertaining) we could add one or several of:

mushrooms on the moon
40 weeks gestation
blood nose

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Senate Inquiry into Proposed Arts Changes.

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:34 am

I did take the time to read some of the submissions Gary and they all seem to be on the same theme. a big whinge about the possibility of removal of funding for their own little area of concern.

I could not find yours ? would like to have a read.

I also had a look at Glenns site and profile and yes I agree he seems like a fair dinkum nice bloke just trying to do the best he can.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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