terry's a winner

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Re: terry's a winner

Post by vwalla » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:05 am

Back in the groove again eh, Terry?
Val W

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Glenny Palmer » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:41 pm

Sooo thrilled for you Terry. Bonza bewdy mate! So when do we get to read it? :D
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Brenda Joy
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Brenda Joy » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:47 pm

Winton results sent today from Winton to all entrants Bob and will be up on the home site pronto --

Winton Business and Tourism Association (WBTA) is pleased to announce the results of the 44th Bronze Swagman Award for 2015.

Winner: Terry Piggott, Lynwood, WA - "Lonely is the Campfire"

Runner -up: V.P. Read, Bicton, WA - "A Tribute to My Grandfather"

Highly Commended:
Peg Vickers, WA - "Three Showers a Day"
Gary Fogarty, Qld - "Every Day We Bleed"
Terry Piggott, WA - : "A Bloke Called Basil"

Congratulations to everyone, and those whose poems have been selected for the book will be notified in due course.

And we thank everybody for supporting the Bronze Swagman Award!

Graham Dean
Winton Business and Tourism Assoc Inc

Huge congratulations sent to Terry and how about Western Australia -- 4 out of 5 ain't bad.
G'day Glenny,
The poem will go into the magazine for the next issue and will be in the poetry section of the home site as soon as Terry sends it through. From there it can be read by the whole ABPA membership even if they aren't forum followers like us.
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by alongtimegone » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:49 pm

That's great news Terry and luck has nothing to do with it. Good on you.

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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Terry » Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:17 pm

Thanks Val. Glenny, Brenda & Wazza.

I guess all of us live in hope for something like this, but never really expect it to happen.

Cheers Terry

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Catherine Lee
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:00 pm

Fantastic news - congratulations Terry, and hope you're celebrating!

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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Ron » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:01 pm

'Onya Terry, well done mate! :D



Re: terry's a winner

Post by Heather » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:08 pm

A bit of talent goes even further. :)

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Brenda Joy
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Brenda Joy » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:42 pm

Re what I said above --
"The poem will go into the magazine for the next issue and will be in the poetry section of the home site as soon as Terry sends it through. From there it can be read by the whole ABPA membership even if they aren't forum followers like us."

As Terry asked, and I agree, Winton really should have the 'joy' of first publication. When we hear back from them we'll let you know but until then we will all have to be patient. :)
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Bob Pacey
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Re: terry's a winner

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:31 pm

No No No I want it now I tell you NOW ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers Mate.
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