Free Verse or Not?

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Free Verse or Not?

Post by Terry » Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:46 pm

It doesn't worry me one way or the other and this is in no way having a sly shot at Bill or anybody else for that matter.
But if we're going to have free verse on the forum why no give those who are interested a forum of their own.
Let's face it we have forums for every other conceivable thing including jokes, but whatever is decided let us be at least consistent about it - I'll now dive for cover, might be a good time to head bush?


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Maureen K Clifford
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Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast

Re: Free Verse or Not?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:18 pm

Probably not such a silly idea at all Terry - it could be a section for free verse or prose poetry with an Australian theme.

Works for me and seems logical and could in fact draw in some new members.

We would have nothing at all to lose by trialling it - that's for sure
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.


Re: Free Verse or Not?

Post by warooa » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:05 pm

I suggest a new sub-forum titled "The Dark Side" :twisted:

Where all those evil disillusioned non-rhymers can dwell, slowly infiltrating this whole site, until the ageing bush poets slowly lose their grip on reality, continence and the words to Waltzing Matilda. The Dark Side Poets will inch their tentacles into every morsel of every rhyming poem ever posted about every weary drover, every dead dog and every Coolgardie safe covered in bees wax, brylcreem, and an Astrayan flag that has ever been written. They will cast snide remarks from these dark corners, slowly turning our beloved dum de dum de dars into incomprehensible gutter filth. These Dark Siders will murder your great grand children as they sleep. They will bludgeon them with ill-fitting metaphor and crude tautology. What will have started as fringe dwelling weirdos will morph into a monster whom we will wish we never allowed into a corner of our cosy little bushy clique.

Be afraid :shock: be very afraid

But seriously I reckon it's a valid idea :) Like many of the other sub-sections you can take it or leave it. ;)


ps. Got that new detector yet Terry??

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Re: Free Verse or Not?

Post by Terry » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:53 pm

Hi Maureen,
I think as long as the free verse sticks to it's own forum; fair enough - otherwise they get the boot,

Hi Marty,
It's been slowly creeping in for a fair-while anyway and apart from the odd whinge no body does anything about it.
So as you say, if it's going to keep popping up. we may as well control it in some way.

The latest news on the new detector is a bit mixed, one bloke (good operator as well) I know went out for a week in good deep country and only got about 20 grams of small stuff. The detector is also very heavy I'm told. so perhaps not the greatest for finding new patches.
It sounds like it will be at it's best around the old patches, but it's early days yet so I'll keep my powder dry for the moment - could be some cheap 2nd hand ones around before long.

Cheers Terry

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