Australian poetry written especially for children of all ages including pre-school children.
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Post by Cropduster » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:53 am


I wonder if a spider looks
upon his own leg hair
And wonders what he’d look like if
he shaved his eight legs bare
Would he walk upon a cat walk…
Hmm - a spider on a cat?
I’m not sure that the fashion world
is quite ready for that

I wonder if a platypus
would contemplate his tail
How when he swims, behind him there’s
a paddle that will trail
Would he swap it for a tail that is
more pleasing to the eye?
Or opt to go without one – ‘Frogs
don’t have one, why should I’

I wonder if an elephant
Regrets his long grey nose
At least when it is itchy he
can scratch it with his toes
Perhaps it gives him character
And makes him feel quite bold
It must be pretty messy though
when he contracts a cold

I wonder if a porcupine
would sharpen up his quills
They must be pretty handy when
comes time for filing bills
Just pay them at the counter and
then stick them on a spike
In alphabetic order, or
date order if you like

Do you think that dolphins ever
look at us and cry
Always stuck in water while we
have both land and sky
I think that they could play guitar
or even play the drums
If they were born with hands and fingers
with opposing thumbs

I wonder if most people would
Prefer a different life
Choose to live more wild and free
less worry and less strife
As busy as a beaver or
as happy as a clam
For me I’m quite content to be
the poet that I am

Copyright © Allan Cropper January 2015

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Catherine Lee
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Post by Catherine Lee » Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:06 pm

Another good one Allan - I can see kids enjoying this, and picture some great illustrations to go with it!

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Post by Ron » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:41 am

Good one Allan, agree with Catherine there regarding illustrations!

I think the spider would look ok on the catwalk, considering a lot of what you see that passes for fashion these days! :?


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Post by alongtimegone » Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:18 pm

I like it too Allan and I'm sure the kids would.

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Post by Cropduster » Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:48 pm

Thanks Catherine, Ron and Wazza


much appreciated


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