Monaro Morning By Late dave Meyers

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william williams

Monaro Morning By Late dave Meyers

Post by william williams » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:43 am

Monaro Morning

The Monaro waits -
like a patient mother
on her mountain platform
for the warming
of a winter’s day.

Early sun -
a bright golden coin
smiles weakly
over a surly horizon
reaching -

Frost -
a sea of silent whiteness
night’s icy blanket
heavy on the plain
glistening -

Nature -
holds its breath
sheep, death-like, huddling
kangaroos, grey statues
watching -

The muffled crackle
of white grass
under leaving footsteps
wakes the silence
fading -

Too early,
too white
for the artist’s brush.

Written By Dave Meyers

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Re: Monaro Morning By Late dave Meyers

Post by Zondrae » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:14 pm

G'day Bill,

Thanks for posing Davids poem. Though this is not in the 'Bush Poetry' style it is a beautiful work. David had many strings to his bow. He was an active historian and author of books on the history of the Monaro area. He wrote in various styles but didn't gather his work into a book. This was undertaken by his mate, Laurie McDonald and partner Denise Burton He was also the convenor and one of the mainstays of the Quaenbeyan Folk Club. Ever the MC for all occasions, David was generous of his time and talents. However he was happy to step aside and let others take the spotlight. Truely a quiet achiever, with a quick and dry wit. I will miss him at every Festival I go to.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Monaro Morning By Late dave Meyers

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:12 pm

Beautiful words Bill and much enjoyed. Thank you for posting them here. Not in the accepted style of Bush poetry - but Bush poetry none the less


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