The end is nigh

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Neville Briggs
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The end is nigh

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:51 am

Only 57 sleeps till Boxing Day and the agony is over....... for another year.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

william williams

Re: The end is nigh

Post by william williams » Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:17 pm

killjoy him why at his age it would not do him any good


Re: The end is nigh

Post by Heather » Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:45 pm

Do you cross the days off the calendar Neville? I think you should get out in the garden some more... :lol:


Re: The end is nigh

Post by warooa » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:34 pm

Lots between now and then Nev - to name a few, Remembrance Day, My Mums birthday, Melbourne Cup Day, Cooktown Races, Guy Fawkes Night, St Andrews Day and of course, last but not least, my own birthday (24th Dec ;) ) Enjoy the journey Nev, not the destination.

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Re: The end is nigh

Post by Ron » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:40 pm

Geez' Marty, we might have to put Christmas back a few weeks to fit all that in! ;) Totally agree with you though, make every post a winner! :D


Neville Briggs
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Re: The end is nigh

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:40 am

Marty, you forgot to mention that atrocious Yank import, Halloween. Another occasion to sell useless things; bags of tooth rotting lollies and pumpkin shells !!! for goodness sake ! Clink go the cash registers.

As far as Christmas on the " religious " front, Jesus' disciples were never enjoined to celebrate his birthday. Birthdays were always Greek/Roman pagan tradition. The disciples celebrated his death and resurrection.

But, you might say, we don't consider that. Christmas for us is just a time to celebrate family and good times, end of another year and looking to the future.
Well, families in Australia are a huge disaster area. Neglected and abused children, violence between men and women, youth suicide, lost employment, endless bickering and hatred in homes, elderly left in lonely abandonment, families taking each other to court, family murders. Am I the killjoy ?
There's not a lot to celebrate. ( I know from experience that the season of jolly brings an upsurge in the rate of suicides, I've had to deal with them )
Maybe some of the zillions squandered on useless presents, cards and parties could go some way to alleviate this epidemic of dysfunction.

Since some church spruikers tell us that Christmas supposedly has a " real " meaning pointing us to God, the church might note that the ancient Jewish prophet, Isaiah, told his people that God has no interest in a stale tradition of celebrations, festivals, prayers, timely gatherings and memorials that are claimed to be for his reverence. In fact he detests them.
God wants to see justice, right instead of wrong, protection and support for the poor and vulnerable. Then, there is something to celebrate.

An early Christmas sermon. ;) :D
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: The end is nigh

Post by warooa » Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:56 am

The fact that God wants justice and support for the vulnerable means he either don't exist or has shoved that one (with many more) in the "too hard" basket.

Yes Christmas, and Easter for that matter perhaps should be celebrated as original Pagan festivals which more than likely included lots of feasting, drink and happy debauchery. Our farmers are doing it tough, how long since the old Pagan ritual of group masturbation to help the crops has been given a run? :shock: . . . there's a poem in that.


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Gary Harding
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Re: The end is nigh

Post by Gary Harding » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:33 am

Perhaps the Truth lies in the statement "Christmas means different things to different people". It is... personal.

If you are religiously inclined then it is that aspect that is weighted heavily into it for you, perhaps.

I like to play Christmas carols because they are so sentimental and remind me of times when I sang them with loved ones who are not around any more.. and I miss them so.

It is a spiritual joining with them again, I suppose.

And it is a joyful time especially for young children... presents.. feasting... relatives around. I guess I don't believe in Santa much now, but I remember when I did.... and it was a magic time in my life. It is encumbent on me to make it wonderful and believeable for children now. That I believe is The Christmas Spirit.

I suppose there is a lot that is dreadful about the world and I yes I fight it where it vexes me especially..... but that has always been the case with the world.. and always will be. I am not one for the "Isn't that shocking and injust .." kind of diatribe, constantly pumped at one by the media. I like to live in a world where, as a poet in particular, I choose to say "Isn't that wonderful and beautiful...". There is still plenty of it around if one is inclined to look.

Joy, sentimentality, love, and especially bringing pleasure to wide-eyed children.. has its own rewards if being rewarded is important.

Christmas time. Different things to different people.. it is personal. Ham, chicken, prawns, cheap bubbly and decorations... and maybe this year some smoked salmon too!

That describes what it means to me, but hey we are all different.

and oh yes.... don't forget to the leave the milk out for Santa's reindeer...

Neville Briggs
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Re: The end is nigh

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:17 am

Human being are so clever that they are going to save the planet by emissions trading schemes and renewable energy systems. If we are that clever maybe we can work out how to do justice and save protect the vulnerable.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: The end is nigh

Post by warooa » Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:09 pm

Neville Briggs wrote:Marty, you forgot to mention that atrocious Yank import, Halloween.
Nev's at home injecting Wasabi into lollies for the trick-or-treaters :lol:

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