''Singing For Dad''

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Neville Briggs
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:08 pm

I followed Manfred's instructions. All it did was log me out. :(
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Bob Pacey
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:56 pm

Not really Glenny my Dad used to give me some big floggings growing up and i always thought of him as heartless until one day i went to visit him in the home and he introduced me everyone he could find as his son.

I can till see the look of pride in his face.

Cheers Bob
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Glenny Palmer
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Glenny Palmer » Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:52 pm

.....nice!...... :)
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by alongtimegone » Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:04 pm

Hey Glenny ... Just discovered 'Singing for Dad. A beautiful lyric. Loved it. Is there a story behind it? Did you register the lyric with APRA?


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Glenny Palmer
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:39 pm

G'daay Wazza. I've had a hectic time with croc in hospital for the last few days & so I'm slow in responding, sorry.
Now, no one who knows me ever asks for my 'story'.... :? I'm inclined to tell them, & brevity is not my strong point.
It all started when I was young (last century) & had given birth to 3 gorgeous girls. Each one of them was lined up to be called 'Brett'......not really workable....and as I had 13 neices & only 1 nephew I collated the odds of my producing a boy baby & the bottom line wasn't good. So....we adopted a baby boy. (In truth, I'd harboured ambitions to adopt from when I was a child. I drove my Mum mad as I didn't bring home stray cats, I brought home stray people!) We were only eligible to adopt a handicapped child, & had been on the list for only 2 weeks when the phone call came to 'come & get him.' They said the match was tooo spooky to ignore. And all of these years later he still looks soo much like my daughters.....who, incidentally, would literally kill to protect him. And he was only on the handicapped list for copeable reasons. (It was Destiny!) Anyway........he had never shown much interest in finding his natural parents. Peeling veggies one night I asked him if he ever wondered about his real Mum. He just said 'You are my real mum. Are there any more carrots to peel?' However, when he was 15 we were up late one night watching tv & one of those adoption shows came on. At that hour Brett would normally have got up & gone to bed, but he sat very silently watching it, right through. The programme showed 2 successful reunions & 2 unsuccsessful ones. It was then that I knew I should leave adoption info pamphlets around the place for him to access if & when he wanted to. Ultimately he did become interested & through skulduggery I found his birth mother. (Forget normal channels! Didn't work for us.) For a while it was all tickety boo but she ended up abandoning him again. He did however meet & grow very fond of a half sister from the process. It was then that he really started to grieve from actively being locked out from the info on his natural father. The birth mother just slammed the door on that, & it hurt him deeply. In a fit of my own particular grief for my wonderful son I wrote 'Singing For Dad' & howled all evening after writing it. As Keith Potger (of The Seekers fame) had asked me for lyrics I sent them to him & he recorded it. But he also contacted folks he knew at the tv show 'Find My Family' who launched into filming us & Brett & his life etc with a view to airing his story on their show. If they found Brett's natural father & proceeded with Brett's story they wanted Keith to sing 'Singing For Dad' on it....Keith wanted them to use it for their theme song! They didn't find Brett's natural father....but I reckon I know just who he is, & as soon as I have time again I shall engage more skulduggery to haul him in. Tricky...''Hello. You don't know me but I'm sure you are my son's father.'....oooh.

I love the song very much. I think Keith has nailed it & that if it got out into the adoption network it would be a blitzer....not to mention how much it would help struggling adoptees & their families.

So Wazza....now you know what it's like to get a simple question answered from me....... :lol: I'll forgive you if you never do again....... :lol: (BTW Brett now has a gorgeous wife & 3 bonza kiddies.)
Mum n Brett2.jpg
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Glenny Palmer
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:40 pm

PS.............The music file opens fine if you left click 'Open in new window'.......
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william williams

Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by william williams » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:48 pm

I thank you very much Glenny for telling us some of your life with their problems and happiness that are there and good wishes to Croc

regards Bill the old Battler

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:51 pm

Thank you very much Bill me old mate....& thank you Wazza for your kind words about the song.

Bill I received the 3 Cd's you so kindly donated to The Copper Croc prize pool. I did say so somewhere else on site, but I'm doing everything on the run lately & not as efficient as usual. Receiving them in the post helps me to do up the prize packages in time. Thank you again. As always I will pass on your kind wishes to croc. He's doing it very rough just at the moment but his fighting spirit is still 100% in action.

(Brett resembles the sister in red like a twin......)

(BTW that should be 'right click' the file......I'm in reverse lately... :roll:) But the file seems to be working normally now in any case.

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william williams

Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by william williams » Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:49 am

Thanks Glenny for your thanks and you and Keith have done a great job and bugger it I wish I was younger, their as good looking as their mother,

bill Williams the old battler

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Re: ''Singing For Dad''

Post by keats » Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:31 pm

I think Jimmy Barnes would have sang it better, Glenny. Poor Keith is a fossil. Or maybe LL Cool J or AC/DC. You need someone who ca get the emotion of the words across. Chad Morgan or Kevin Bloody Wilson even........


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