A poem for homework

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A poem for homework

Post by Leonie » Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:16 pm

I have been out of inspiration lately so I popped over to BushVerse to see what the homework topic was and there's no one home there so I thought I'd bring my homework poem over here but there's no one home here either.

Err .. the homework topic was ... uummhh there wasn't one. :?

A poem for homework
Leonie Parker © 2011

I was feeling quite myopic ‘cause I couldn’t find a topic
til I realised there wasn’t one, no topic had been set.
Now today’s been kinda breezy so I told myself “too easy”
I can write about the weather and the recent long ‘big wet’.

So I got a pen and paper and I started on this caper
of writing ‘bout the weather in both meter and in verse.
And I did a little thinkin’ and a little bit more drinkin’
‘cause me first line was a stinker and the second one was worse.

So I thought I’d try another, maybe something ‘bout me mother
or perhaps about our plans to take a well earned holiday
but that only got me wishin’ I was floatin’ somewhere fishin’
and I’ll never get this poem writ if I go on this way.

While I’m sittin’ and I’m dreamin’ about fishin’ it’s still teemin’
and perhaps the sound of water on the roof might be a sign
but I need to wet me whistle before starting this epistle.
Ok, now what was I thinking, can’t remember that first line.

Oh bother and damnation, I am lacking inspiration
and I need to look around me for a topic I can use.
All I see is week old papers (it is giving me the vapours)
and the vodka bottle sitting on a pile of last week’s news.

As I lift the vodka bottle I am tempted to use ‘pottle’
as a rhyming word, but even though old Will would deem it right
it has now gone out of fashion - think I’ll have a little ration
from the bottle then I’ll ‘pottle’ off to bed and say - “Good Night!”

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: A poem for homework

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:11 am

I understood the term was potter but if pottle rows your boat
I am not about to argue – if it’s keeping you afloat,
as for lacking inspiration and then writing ‘bout the wet
can you tell me dear Leonie how many inches did you get?

It's quiet everywhere Leonie isn't it? Always seems to be this time of year - no doubt a lot of our mob are on their way to Tamworth or gearing up for it - just hope it doesn't flood there as well. Like you I am very over the weather and seeing the old brown Bremer rise and fall as she has been is quite disconcerting.

Not game to write about that - don't want to stir up the river gods. Enjoyed your poem though you might need another bottle of Vodka to see the wet weather out :lol:


Found this definition of your 'pottle' word ......pot·tle (pŏtˈl) noun

A pot or drinking vessel with a capacity of 2.0 quarts (1.9 liters).
The liquid contained in this type of pot or drinking vessel.
An old English liquid measure equal to 2.0 quarts (1.9 liters).
Origin: Middle English potel, from Old French, from pot, pot; see potiche .

So you see Marty and Dave this is not a female thing I suspect it has more to do with the vodka bottle mentioned in Leonies poem :lol: :o ;)


Last edited by Maureen K Clifford on Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A poem for homework

Post by Dave Smith » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:50 am


You’re a nut; boy do I love nuts, six stanzas to tell us you had nothing to tell us, one of my granddaughters (age 7 at the time) while driving with us on holiday spent one and a half hours telling how she could stop talking if she really wanted to, makes ya head spin hey. :P

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying


Re: A poem for homework

Post by warooa » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:38 am

must be a female thing, ay Dave . . . being a nutter that is.
You're a topshelf nutter, Leonie :?

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Re: A poem for homework

Post by Zondrae » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:46 am

morning all.

While Leonie was complaining about having no topic to write about. I, however, have a plethora. Illawarra Breakfast Poets are in their annual 3 week recession (which this time turned out to be 4 weeks) and resume on 19th Jan. We now have 3 topics. The one chosen as the 'weekly' topic was left open for each poet to write on anything the like. (but it must be new and not just an old piece offered as a new piece) The second, we call the monthly topic due on 26th (we meet regardless of the Public Holiday) is "..and the band played..". Added to these there has been a request by one of the DJs on the local commnity radio for a poem about "Chldren on a Carousel". I have made a start on the latter two. I'll get back to you shortly....
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: A poem for homework

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:14 am

Hey Leonie,
That is just bonzaa!! I haven't had much time to 'drop in' lately, but that piece is spot on. Thanks for posting it & giving me a good start to the day......great job!!

The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others.


Re: A poem for homework

Post by Leonie » Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:33 am

Why thank you Glenny. Good to see you mate. Hope you are keeping well.

And thanks to everyone else as well.

Maureen, I knew what pottle meant and I also knew I should have pottered off to bed but after three (or maybe more) swigs of the vodka bottle, I had trouble with me r's, a bit of sway up if you know what I mean. ;) And as for asking me how many inches did I get, :o :shock: Maureen you should be ashamed of yourself. (Ahh, memories, memories.)


Re: A poem for homework

Post by Heather » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:35 am

Leonie, thanks for being a nut! We can always count on you for a giggle - and a good poem too.

Heather :)


Re: A poem for homework

Post by Kym » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:00 am

Ah, Leonie, Leonie, Leonie .... you are the funniest person!!! I wonder what you are like in real life? Are you a nutcase in reality or are you just bolder on paper?

As for writing a poem about having nothing to write about, I wrote a story about how I couldn't write a story for my newspaper. I drove all the way to Mackay to interview a guy, oops fellow, about his water buffalo, and just as I finish my four hour drive into Mackay at 9pm, he rings me to say don't come out cos the floods have washed his road away. So I says, hows about I wade across and change into dry duds on the other side, and he says, you'll be changin your duds orright cos there's sneaky crocs in the river. And he adds, if they don't get you on the way over, they'll smell ya'v been in the water and wait for ya on the way out. Then he says, hows about you come over in the flying fox. After enquiring about the weight limit on this home-made contraption, I agrees, then he rings back 10 minutes later cos his neighbour reckons the blimey things stuffed and could jam or snap at any time. So instead of doing the water buffalo story, I went for a little "pottle" (around as Leonie would say), had a luverly weekend by meself and that's how it came about that I wrote about the story I couldn't write about.

Take a breath ...



Re: A poem for homework

Post by Heather » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:09 am

Some things are just meant to be Kym! :lol:

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