Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Zondrae » Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:31 pm

G'day Bill,

He doesn't mind the sound of my dulcet tones but he won't listen to any poetry. When we go to festivals he stays at the camp while go off to perform. The one time he did sit down to watch me, I forgot the words!
Zondrae King
a woman of words

william williams

Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by william williams » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:07 pm

Well Zondrae I meant no offence when I made that remark but people are a funny bunch of cattle so they say, and from what I am about to write will most likely get my rear end kicked from pillar to post is meant with no offence to anyone though there will be some that may take offence from it.

Many people are bored to hell with poetry when it is told and I do not blame them one little bit. Often it is one monotonous blurb no matter how well it is written though there will be many that disagree with me.
A well written poem is like a well written short story it must be read the right way or, told the write way.
Not always will a well written poem take the full meaning of it unless it is told in the right way, EG, full of meaning with the use of that person’s voice. A blind person will tell you that because they can not see your actions so your voice is the media in which they rely on, like on a CD, DVD’s are different as they are both visual and audio. Many people think that our work has very little variety but we have much humour as well as depth in what we say and write people often only hear the humour that is recited but let us show that there is a vast variety that we can produce

There have been many people over the years on radio whose voice was very arresting. Leonard Teale whose name comes to mind had a very arresting voice though he has since passed on, but today’s Jack Thompson is doing a great job but what about the rest of us there is many a fine voice amongst us poets or should I say writers as there are many a good story teller writers amongst us why even you Zondrae a performer can tell a tale that many listeners do enjoy.
We are all story tellers with out a doubt so let us all tell our tales as well as we write them
And if we do go ahead and do this CD it will be very varied so people should not get bored with what we tell. So think carefully about this venture but let us do it to prove that we are not just writers but people who can tell a tale.

Bill Williams

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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Zondrae » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:26 pm


I don't take offence. Usually even when others might see or hear a 'slight' against me, I haven't even noticed it.

However, if we go ahead with this project, I wil send my recorded voice, (if I can work our how to do it) and if a couple of people agree with me, that my voice is not the best, I won't be offended if someone else re-records it.

Do you think it would be better to have a underlying theme to the collection or just have random subjects (the poets choice)?
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:08 pm

Zondrae if you go to start/ accessories on your computer then click on to sound recorder you will be able to record. You will need a Mike to do this I bought a cheap head set mike combo from Big W for less than $10 which worked fine. It is just a case then of plugging the mike into the computer socket on your computer and away you go. This is a very basic computer tool - doesn't give you much variety but if you are worried about how your voice sounds then this will give you the idea when you play it back.

Without being too technical which I am not these mikes are so sensitive you seem to get a lot of hissing on the S words and background noise. I have pretty well eliminated that by the measure of putting an old clean sock over the mike and securing it with a rubber band.

If you like what you hear and you think you maybe want to go further and experiment a bit more your computer may already have a better program inbuilt - I run windows 7 and it didn't so I have downloaded Audacity which now I have got the hang of it works really well with good overall results.

Hope this helps you


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I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

william williams

Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by william williams » Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:12 pm

HA HA this will teach me that I should not put it in the post replied until I have it in words
I put it on the post replied pressed submit at the same time as Maureen did and bingo mine nicked of OH well must do it again

If you send it in either MP3 or WMA file it take less space to send it, I will store it in either my external hard drive or on a 8 gig memory stick
Now remember between 4 ½ minutes and 5 ½ minutes and that includes preamble so as to keep the listener interested with it and have a total of about 45 to 55 minutes of play time I would envisage a sub committee of about 5 to 6 people to select the pieces where there will be only one item by anyone person on the CD. A variety of different subjects to be included in it some humorous, some light hearted and some serious just to give our users an idea of what we can acheve and yes you can use by all means the Australian descriptive language
But no coarse or bad language to be used as this CD could be used by all ages to listen and enjoy and for schools to use as well


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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Dave Smith » Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:40 pm

Maureen, Zondrae and Bill the bushman

I have been doing a bit of what you are talking about and Maureen I use Audacity I use it for copying my old LPs to Disc. It works well as an editor. Zondrae that CD I sent you was made by using my voice recorder running it through Audacity then recorded and posted it to you. What I would like to know is can we get to have voice on the forum.

Bill do you copy from tape to your PC? If so what hardware are you using?

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying

william williams

Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by william williams » Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:15 pm

dave I use the program called Magix it is a German program that also changes old records and tapes into CDs and also I use a tape recorder if nessesary I record to this program and can remove hisses and deformitives with it and I am still learning about it I have not used Audacity yet but must check it out and try it I have a head mike and also a normal mike with Magix I can send it via WMA file or MP3 over the emails If I use WAV files it takes up to much space to send unless it is a very small file if you need anymore info send me a PM with your email or ph and I will reply
same aplies to everyone else
Last edited by william williams on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Zondrae » Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:08 am

G'day all you techno people,

Who said the over 50s didn't understand computers!! I'm proud of the lot of you. (I must get with it)

Now - I have a headset/mike set up we used to skype (?spelling) my daughter when she was o/s. Will this do the job? I am using a MAC remember. will any of these clever programmes work in this platform? If not I might try to resurrect the old pc. It is sitting in the back room (waiting....) Does anyone know how I can get the 2nd upgrade for Windows XP home. I have my original programme discs but they only cover the 1st one and the second one was by download. I recall doing it. Now the modem won't work without it but I can't get it unless I am connected (?)So it is a 'catch 22' situation really. I don't feel like paying an IT shop hundreds to fix it but I may have to. We formatted the hard drive because of virus.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by Leonie » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:30 am

Here's another thought people, maybe you could think about putting the poems on a DVD rather than a CD and you could all film yourselves reciting your poetry. That way not only would anyone who is interested hear your dulcet tones (as Zondrae puts it), but also see your pretty faces. I think that would work particularly well for those of you who perform at festivals.

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Re: Just had a thought and I'm dangerous when I'm thinking.

Post by keats » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:35 am

Hi Zondrae, on your Mac, in Applications (and probably down the bottom of your screen in the dock) is a program called GuitarBand and shown with a guitar icon. This is one of the best programs possible to record on. In fact many bands and musos are using it on a professional level now to record their albums.

But in saying that, it is also the simplest to use for your poetry recording. Open the program, from the pop up menu select Create New Podcast, click in the window for female voice and hit the red record button to start. When finished hit Stop and then go up the top to Share and select Send Song To iTunes. All done. Open iTunes and there it is. Your Mac has a built in, high quality Mic, although you can use an external mic if you prefer.

If you need to send someone a copy of the recording, just highlight it in iTunes and drag it to the desktop. It will copy it without removing it. And there is your recorded poem on your desktop in mp3 format ready to go.


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