Milton Taylor in Hospital ....

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Milton Taylor in Hospital ....

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:26 pm

From Roelie ...


Just a quick email to say that Milton is now out of ICU and is in the ward. He has got up and about a few times today - even though it was only to the bathroom a short walk away. He is still very tired, but looking and feeling much better. Still cheeky to the nurses and can joke with me about all sorts of things. Always a good sign I reckon.

He hopes to be out on Thursday. The antibiotics for the supposedly pneumonia, appear to be working well. Lungs not clear but probably won't be for a very long time, if ever. Still not sure what he had, but he is in no pain, no discomfort and so far so good.

I go back to Longreach on Wednesday, but leave Penrith Tuesday as I have a commitment in Sydney.

Hoping you are all well. Hoping your Christmas is delightful and your 2012 fabulous.

Love and hugs,

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