G'day from West Oz

Here new members should introduce themselves to the forum
Henry Snicklesnorter

Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Henry Snicklesnorter » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:54 pm

Irene wrote:Hi Henry
Welcome to the site - it's a great place to visit and meet some wonderful people.

Without prying tooooooo much -what part of the northern wheatbelt do you come from? Though I live in Jurien Bay now, I grew up in Three Springs, and ended up back there for another 11 years after I got married. My parents still live there, so I s get back over that way from time to time.

Look forward to reading more of your poetry.
G'day Irene,
Thanks for the welcome, - Carnamah, (20km south of Three Springs for those not from W.A.) is where I hail from. Practically next door neighbors.

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Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Irene » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:17 am

Hi Henry
Small world, isn't it???
My Dad has done a lot of work in all those towns around that area as electrician and auto-electrician. Has run his own business for many years while working for western power, and after retirement from there. (Should be retired now at 81, but still gets out and does some work, tho' he is a little dependent on oxygen this days!!)
He used to recite bush poetry at night when we were kids - never thought I would end up being so involved with it as an adult!! :lol:

I'm sure you will enjoy this site - great bunch of people, and plenty to chat about!!

What goes around, comes around.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:47 am

Love that truck Henry - she's a ripper. Nice little toy. Big welcome from me as well from right across the other side of the country - thoroughly enjoying reading your poetry and just sent your Lady of the Seas to my son who is a Boatbuilder an Yachtie. He loved it. You are posting some great stuff on site - keep it coming Mate ...it is good.


Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

Henry Snicklesnorter

Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Henry Snicklesnorter » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:21 am

Maureen K Clifford wrote:Love that truck Henry - she's a ripper. Nice little toy. Big welcome from me as well from right across the other side of the country - thoroughly enjoying reading your poetry and just sent your Lady of the Seas to my son who is a Boatbuilder an Yachtie. He loved it. You are posting some great stuff on site - keep it coming Mate ...it is good.


Glad your son liked it - it is a real yachties thing.

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Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Terry » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:47 am

G/day Henry,
Sounds like you have knocked around a bit mate, good to have another Sand Groper on board, that makes four who spring readily to mind, Irene, Dave, Yourself and me, I think there maybe a couple of others who pop in occasionally.
Anyway welcome aboard, I'm sure you will enjoy the company.



Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Rimeriter » Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:53 pm

"G'day" from me O Henry P.

This is a just welcome -
To celebrate the annual bush poet's competition in Derby, breakfast presenter Alice Plate invited two of the entrants to share a one minute poem about which place was better to live; the town or the bush.
Teacher Peter Crawford from Wangkatjungka School near Fitzroy Crossing represented the bush and renowned poet Ed Mahon from Broome represented the townies.

My somewhat jocular item will appear in our Bush Poets section.



Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Heather » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:45 pm

Henry! Where've you been? We've missed you!

Henry Snicklesnorter

Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Henry Snicklesnorter » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:46 pm

Heather wrote:Henry! Where've you been? We've missed you!
I got sent to the naughty corner :oops:


Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Heather » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:48 pm

How do you KNOW about the naughty corner? :shock:

Henry Snicklesnorter

Re: G'day from West Oz

Post by Henry Snicklesnorter » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:54 pm

It's because of me that the naughty corner came into being :twisted:

What happened was, I changed my email address and when I altered it in my details, the forum bot automatically deactivated my account and sent me an email which said an administrator would have to reactivate it.. I waited a few days and then sent Manfred an email this arvo and he did it straight away.

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