
All registered Forum users can post bush poetry dedicated to all those who served
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David J Delaney


Post by David J Delaney » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:14 pm

I know it's free verse, but still a tribute to those special blokes known as Snipers.


He views a figure through his scope,
crouching is a fellow human being,
with a green tinge from night vision.

Wonders for a second
if his brave enemy has loved ones
for his safe return
like himself, as his tour,
nears its end.

So much death,
kill or be killed.

he squeezes the trigger
of his silent death machine.

David J Delaney
12/07/2010 ©

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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8097
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast

Re: Sniper

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:02 am

works for me David - you would think that thought would cross the mind - but perhaps in the heat of battle there is no time for it, and then again it would be too much for our psyches to handle wouldn't it???
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

David J Delaney

Re: Sniper

Post by David J Delaney » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:11 pm

Thank you Maureen, my Uncle's mate was a sniper & he once said they have plenty of time to think about those things but, must force the thoughts from their minds, not easy he said.

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