Australian Written Championships

ABPA members can post information and general feedback about bush poetry events.
Organisers can include bush poetry results in this forum.
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carol heuchan
Posts: 9
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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by carol heuchan » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:04 am

Ok Terry point taken. I guess I did react strongly. It's just that this is at least the fourth time that inappropriate or incorrect things have been discussed involving me on the forum. The forum is not 'The Official Voice of the ABPA'
There are State Reps whose job it is to give information and I am ALWAYS only too willing to help everyone wanting info. The second place is the abpa secretary, Greg North who will forward emails to the right person. If the entry form is not on the Events section (from the home page) or not on the particular organiser's website, it is because it is not ready to go up (for a multitude of reasons) In all the festivals/competitions that I am involved with, as soon as information or entry forms are finalise, they are sent straight to the webmaster and go up almost immediately.
Thank you for your nice words about me Terry. Please realise my reaction was at my anger at 'information' being put publicly on a chat site - information that has possibly undermined an event that I work very hard for to a)ensure that it continues and b) that all poets get a level playing field and a fair deal.
What happens with things like this and with the other incidents, is that someone or other rings me and says 'there's this stuff on the forum again that shouldn't be there blah blah blah' so please, pass the word to forum users to be careful.
cheers, happy writing and reciting. carol heuchan

Neville Briggs
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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Neville Briggs » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:53 pm

quote : "this stupid site"

I am mighty uncomfortable to find that a person who is both an ABPA representitive and a bush poetry judge is prepared to publicly make a statement like that about fellow bush poets, without apology.
Last edited by Neville Briggs on Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

carol heuchan
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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by carol heuchan » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:59 pm

Read more carefully. I did NOT ridicule other poets. I made my feelings known about the statement on the forum. If you read my reply to Terry you will see where I was coming from. If anyone is deserved an apology, it's me. carol heuchan


Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Heather » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:46 pm

Ok, let's call a halt to this discussion which is getting off the track and is not at all helpful. Carol has given her explanation .

Carol, a lot of the poets on the forum either have met or have been using the forum to chat for quite some time - we consider ourselves a group of long distance friends and we use the forum to exchange information as friends do. The chat on this forum is in no way intended to undermine any official web sites or events. Terry was looking for information that he could not find elsewhere for whatever reason and he found it because someone pointed him in the right direction. As far as I can tell there was no incorrect information posted. A comment was made -possibly in error by a user of the forum about judges but I do not think there was any ill intent or mischief intended. Misinformed perhaps.

I have deleted one unfortunate comment which is irrelevant to the topic.

I invite Carol to come on to the forum and get to know the users who are all very passionate about their bush poetry - and clearly about this forum.

Heather :)


Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by manfredvijars » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:39 pm

Personally I don't like telling people what they should or shouldn't do, say or think, nor am I fond of censorship. We can't unsay what's been said, but we can take a deep breath and re-focus on what is important. Good relations between each-other in this, our diverse and dysfunctional Poetry Family is important.

Even though it's an option, I don't want to close this (or any other) topic. After all, we're all Adults here.

As I see it ...

Carol bears the brunt of much of the organising of Poetry Festivals, Hunter, Snowy river etc. and often the load can be wearing. Carol maintains a full-time schedule and frequently is in need of support. She is hardworking and focussed and can sometimes come across as short and abrasive. She also has a tender, sensitive and insightful soul as her writings reflect.

Forum members have this (ABPA Forum) as a platform for conversation with like minded Souls across Australia. Information, as well as banter is freely passed between the membership like in any 'normal' conversation. Many of our participating members enjoy the banter and sharing as well as conversation that this medium allows. There are diverse views and opinions yet there is also respect here. Forum members even travel across the country to meet each-other. Enduring friendships are usually the result of these meetings.

We're ALL good people here, let's not loose sight of that.

Yours in Poetry, Teddy-bears and Rainbows ...


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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Irene » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:46 pm

The problem with deleting selected posts in a thread is that you are left with a disjointed thread that can reflect badly on someone who is replying to words that others can no longer see. You either delete it all or none, I believe.
Having said that, I agree with Manfred - we are adults here. Cautioning against unwarranted insults but letting the conversation find it's own end will allow people to explain where they were coming from, and hopefully be resolved without lasting animosity.
There is nothing like reading your own words of anger after an explanation is given and thinking, just as Carol did, that ok, I may have gone over the top a little. Carol took the time to admit that and the opportunity to explain why she posted her comment - let others have that opportunity also and hopefully there will be no illl feeling!
Thank you for all the work you put in Carol - it is certainly appreciated!!
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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Zondrae » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:36 am

G'day all,

Firstly to Carol, If I have in any way (by hopping in and posting some info - which I hope is correct) offended you, I hereby apologise. I do hope you were not upset by my attempt to be helpful. I value our friendship so - in future I will refer any such comment directly to you. I know just how much you put into your work and to the competitions you so ably organise.

As to the site. I have always found both the information and the members, nothing but helpful and would have missed out on many friendships and opportunities if this site did not exist. The importance of this site to me, is demonstrated by the fact that I am in Queensland on holiday but had to find an internet cafe to update myself on what is going on.

Keep up the good work Manfred, and your assistants. (and the other moderators - I have been a little less productive lately knowing the purple moderator and John are keeping guard)
Zondrae King
a woman of words

carol heuchan
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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by carol heuchan » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:11 am

My dear friend Zondrae, No. Certainly not upset by your words. I was upset by my being named as Judge for the Australian written Championships when such information is never for publication. I also felt the remarks by a couple were totally uncalled for. (Don't know names - I don't believe in using an alias. I am always willing to use my my name if I say anything).
I do realise the value many of you place on this forum. All of us love poetry deeply and cannot get enough of it. In my very busy poetry life, perhaps I undervalued the use of the forum for isolated people and the friendships provided. However, I just ask that you all accept that this is not just a chat - like a private phone call between mates. It is public and the comments remain public and visible for a long time. Consequently I again ask that all be aware of this and think before naming indivuals without their permission, or using their poetry without their permission or making implications about their actions or commenting on competition results or putting up poetry of your own that is then sent into competitions (such poems no longer being totally original and no longer anonymous or unpublished). These are just some of the things that have happened on the website that give me concern.
We have many, many members who do not have internet access or skills whose
needs also need to be addressed and others whose commitments prevent them from being involved. You may not be aware, but some of the elected committee work hard to listen to the views of all and to provide information, correct advice (without personal bias or gain), help festivals, competitions and activities for all.
Zondrae, and all the forum users -
enjoy your poetry and the friendships
and hope I catch up with you sometime,


Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:19 pm

I have split this thread into another topic as it has gone into another direction, more appropriate to:

"General Poetry Discussion"
NEW Topic "Critiqueing Other's Works"

(Nothing is lost)



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Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Terry » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:22 pm

What happened to all the other post? They seem to have disapeared.

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