Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

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Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by mummsie » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:50 pm


I met him on a dusty track, just north of Premer town,
he paused... and looked me over, on his face he wore a frown
that seemed to question, why I'd bother, with the likes of such as he,
and for just a fleeting moment I could sense his need to flee.

In a bid to ease his tension, I offered him my hand,
with hesitation... he responded, and I noticed a small band
of amber beads that formed a bracelet, a ''Yarraman'' was he,
this symbol of their tribesmen, worn with pride for all to see.

He was stocky in his stature, weary eyes that told of pain,
matted hair cropped to his shoulders, weathered face that seemed to feign
the inner turmoil and confusion, that only orphans know
and he'd been that way since losing, his family long ago.

His tribe had once roamed freely, the keepers of these lands,
but time had seen them dwindle, giving in to the demands
of modern culture, white mans lifestyle overpowered tribal ways,
and their numbers slowly vanished, disappeared into the haze.

I gestured to his campsite, to share the billy there,
he poked among the ashes, orange flames soon licked the air
and he told me of his story, as we sipped a strong black brew
and I listened, fixed and silent, as he shared the life he knew.

The early morning sunlight filtered slowly through the trees,
and I sensed I was alone now, all was silent, not a breeze
to wake the morning,as I searched, no trace of him was there,
just an eeriness, a silence.. that hung upon the air.

Sue Pearce

Footnote: The reference to the "Yarraman'' tribe is completely fictional
Last edited by mummsie on Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:17 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by mummsie » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:02 pm

Interested in your views on the rhymes in verse 4 ways/haze,verse 6 trees/breeze
the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:14 pm

Like this very much Sue - and a good use of the prompts. Found it a bit bumpy in two spots ...you could perhaps consider using

with the likes of such as he,

to wake the morning,as I searched, no trace of him was there
no words or reason, he had dissappeared into thin air.

I think those rhymes are fine I would use them myself but purists might disagree so will leave it for Peely or Zondrae or David C to
confirm or deny their correctness .

Just curious as to whether you actually found an aboriginal tribe known as Yarraman....Yarraman is the aboriginal word for horse and the tribe from the Yarraman area are I believe Wakka Wakka/ Waka Waka - not taking anything away from your poem Poetic licence is fine IMO but were you to ever consider putting it into a comp you would want it to be factually correct.


Last edited by Maureen K Clifford on Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:17 am

You are quite correct Marty my error - the area around Yarraman as best as I can find out was inhabited by people of the Wakka Wakka tribe though many tribes lived in that area and had overlapping boundaries. The original residents of the Benarkin area were the aboriginal tribe known as the Dalla people. They ranged across the country that extended from Esk to Nanango, east to Nambour, and south to the mountains near Brisbane and north to the Mary River. Gubbi Gubbi, Wakka Wakka, Jinibara and Kabi Kabi people lived a traditional lifestyle in this area for thousands of years. Natural resources were plentiful and families were self-sufficient in all seasons. Bunya pines growing throughout this area were a very significant food source.
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by mummsie » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:16 am

Thanks for your comments Maureen, No, I didn't find a tribe by this name, it's all purely fictional, just used it 'cause I knew it was an Aboriginal word. :) :)
I have completely changed the last line, seems to fit better .
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Terry » Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:28 am

Hi Sue,
WAYS & HAZE are a rhyme. (I checked)

I had never heard of Yarraman before and thought it must be some ancient skull they'd dug up somewhere.
But found it was a town in Queensland (that's not where you come from is it Bob?) More importantly they had gold there in the old days, I might have to pay it a visit.

Good story Sue

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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:58 pm

Terry my dad had two mines on Pine Mountain which is now in the army training area. Jubilee one and two did quite well as far as i can ascertain. Still have some old photos will see if i can post them later.

Lots of gold in this area at the canoona goldfoelds and around Mt Chalmers.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:08 pm

Sue that last line works better IMO - good pick up.

There you go Terry - Google IS your friend :lol: :lol:
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Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Leonie » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:07 am

Good one Sue.

I really should have a shot at this one, if I can be bothered. I am having trouble getting motivated to write anything these days but I have actually spent some time at Yarraman and have the photos to prove it, not that I can remember it particularly. The photos are of a surly looking toddler sitting on a horse with her father and looking as though she would rather be anywhere else in the world than sitting on that bloody animal in some godforsaken farm at Yarraman. The fact that her little legs are all bandaged for some reason might have something to do with that though. Mum reckoned they bandaged them because I had hives or some such thing, and the bandages were to stop me from scratching. I look suspiciously like Chuckie, ready to kill, never mind scratch. :lol:

Some long forgotten member of Dad's family had a property out there at Yarraman, maybe still does. Lost contact with them years ago.


Re: Homework 15/08 YARRAMAN

Post by Heather » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:44 am

Well written Sue.

Those rhymes are fine. Don't look at them. Close your eyes and listen.

Try this. Can you pick the odd one out? Feel the way your lips move to pronounce them.

Heather :)

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