Poems by Irene Conner

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Poems by Irene Conner

Post by Irene » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:26 am

Last edited by Irene on Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:57 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Bob Pacey
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Re: Poems by Irene Conner

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:41 pm

Get writing girl you are flagging.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Re: Poems by Irene Conner

Post by Terry » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:32 pm

G/day Irene,
Not sure how many I have posted but less than you I'd reckon.

I Just recently came back from up north via the Indian Ocean Coastal Hwy, it's the first time I have been that way.
I spent the night at Leeman and had some breakfast at Jurien Bay, what a lovely town you have there with lots of trees etc. I had my battered old prospecting caravan and it definitely lowered the standard of the town so I had quick look around and then quickly snuck away. I must bring Val up for a few day (with the new van of course - I checked out the caravan park).

Regards terry

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Re: Poems by Irene Conner

Post by Irene » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:20 am

What??? You were in town and didn't stop by??? We don't mind battered old caravans here!
Did you check out our great beach front area - down near the jetty? The shire in their infinite wisdom, have just approved a big fancy development just back off the beach, which will close off close vehicle access to the main beach and jetty, and have an 8 storey development - looking to go 10 storeys!! Will change the feel of the place forever! I think they have visions of us being another Gold Coast!! Heaven help us!! Might have to move a little further out, methinks!! :lol:

Good to see you back.
Are you going to be around if we have the poets breakfast in Cervantes again at the end of October? I think Dave is a little interested. I haven't had a chance to get to any meetings this year, so am waiting to hear what they are doing.

Catchya - Hi to Val
What goes around, comes around.

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Re: Poems by Irene Conner

Post by Terry » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:00 am

Hi Irene,
I didn't have your number or I would have given you a call and offered to buy you a coffee or something, mind you it was a bit early.

Yes I had a look at the jetty and wondered what all the activity that was going on was about, being a fisherman the jetty was the first place I looked for, I also noticed a coffee sort of place down there as well.

As I said the town had a nice feel about it, and when I stopped at the service station in town to get something to eat I noticed that friendly manner you find in country towns.

Yes I hope to make Cervantes again but might be tempted to stay at Jurien this year, as I said we have a new (well newer caravan) now so wont need to stay at motels. We might stay a few days and have a look about.

I have only been to one or two Musters earlier in the year, don't know what's going to happen without Brian & Dot, it's so hard to replace people like them. Irene If there is anything I can do to help out regarding Cervantes you only have to ask.

Cheers Terry

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