
All registered Forum users can post bush poetry dedicated to all those who served
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David J Delaney


Post by David J Delaney » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:16 pm


Here I am, awake again, it’s in the middle of the night
Lying covered in sweat, heart thumping from the fright
I truly wish they would pass and I no longer see
Nighttime in the jungle, another fight with the VC.

My wife is fast asleep; I know she shares my pain
I quietly move to the patio, and now it’s starting to rain
The rain has a relaxing feeling, as I sip at my drink
I sit back in my chair, drifting back in time as I think.

Thinking of our old Diggers, returning from a campaign
Did they have the nightmares and unrelenting pain?
Then I know from any service, many are quiet and reserved
Shrugging away the recognition, we know they all deserve.

Serving in Europe, Asia, the Pacific or the African desert
Building a railway line, and in prison camps, did they deserve it
When they returned to their home, things seemed so strange
Did they get on with life; move on in their chosen game.

My memories will not fade, the mates who died in my arms
Or a group of us trying to cross those mine riddled farms
And the trip wires with grenades or poisoned bamboo
Booby-trapped rubber plantations, taking hours to get through.

These government experts, Ha! Put my memories in their head
People who wouldn’t know, what it’s like to crawl over the dead
They say it will be fine; I will get better and live a normal life
I know it will come easier with support from family and my wife.

And what about our young men and women Diggers of today
Serving their country, in a land somewhere so far away
All of us should support them, this we should show
Whether they are patrolling in the desert or the freezing snow.

So let’s welcome these Diggers home, our arms open wide
And not like some of us, shun them, so away they hide
These young soldiers make me so proud I want to cheer
And I meet some at the RSL, and with them I share a beer.

I walk inside, my wife stirs and asks, “Am I alright”
Responding with “Yes” knowing it will be a long night
Feeling at ease laying here surrounded by these four walls
Thinking how wonderful it would be, a world without wars.

David J Delaney
18/04/2007 ©

This tribute is for all our Diggers past and present especially for 2 mates (Vietnam),
2 Uncles (Korea), Father in law (WW2.POW Changi 3.5yrs), and a dear friend I worked with for several years who was a “Rat”(Tobruk). Also to other Diggers I have met over the years, their story’s are and were amazing be they humorous or horrific.

Lest We Forget.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Diggers

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:02 pm

Wouldn't it be great Dave if our young ones never had to see that horror of war? Will we ever be so lucky.?

As always Mate a great write from the heart - and done brilliantly


Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

David J Delaney

Re: Diggers

Post by David J Delaney » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:02 pm

Thank you maureen & Marty, & yes, I don't believe we will see a world without war or conflict, at least in my lifetime. :cry:

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