UnHappy Granddaughter

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Dave Smith
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UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Dave Smith » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:46 am

Our Brooke it seems went to work one day
And parked her car in the usual way
At knock off time guess what she found
Her grill and mudguards on the ground

In the car parking area behind her shop
A semi turned left and did not stop
It seems this huge truck did not feel
Her poor little car go under it wheel

It was ten PM in the freezing cold
And a shock to her as she was told
Security said for her a lift they would find
But her nice little car must be left behind

They did leave phone numbers and other details but the poor kid is now walking.
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Last edited by Dave Smith on Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Neville Briggs
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Neville Briggs » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:16 pm

What's a semi doing in a CAR park ???
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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:53 pm

OOUCH. Could be worthwhile checking to see if there were cameras in the car park and you might be able to identify the truck which would help with the insurance.
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Irene » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:08 am

The worst part, even if insurance covers it, is waiting for them to get organised and pay you the money!!
Our son had his car t-boned at the beginning of year (or maybe the end of last year!! Time goes too quick!!!) and waited for close to two months to get his money from the third party's insurance company.
In the meantime, we lent him our ford sedan, which he ultimately bought off us for a very cheap price.
Two weeks ago, he was parked at red lights when a elderly lady and her daughter had their brakes fail. They took to the footpath to avoid the car parked behind Clinton, took out a steel light post and continued on through the intersection. Trouble was, the car flicked out when it hit the post, and hit the back side of Clint's car, and wipe out the side of their car. (Missed the car they were trying to avoid!!) Now, he is waiting, waiting, waiting...... again!!!
I hope your grand-daughter doesn't have to wait too long Dave - they still have to get around, don't they?!

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Dave Smith
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Dave Smith » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:32 am

Morning Folks

Neville looking for a short cut I guess.

Maureen, Irene I think she will be ok the truck driver did have the decency to leave his contact details with the security people and has said he will do what it takes to get her back on the road.

Bit of shock though to write off your car and you weren’t even in it.

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying


Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Kym » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:52 am

That's dreadful Dave. But we've had a similar situation here recently. My daughter's car was parked out the back in the staff carpark of the dental surgery where she works. When she went out at the end of the day, her boot, roof and back windows were smashed in, and blood and glass everwhere - back seats and all! Apparently some young fellow had stolen paint from the hardware shop next door and whden the owner chased him, the young fellow used her car as a ramp to hoik the fence, but slipped and went through the back windscreen. Because there were no criminal charges laid (he ditched the paint in someone's garden leaving no evidence) the insurance company said my daughter had to pay the excess! The police wouldn't release the name of the young fellow and there was probably no point hitting him up for the money, he wouldn't have any. The worst thing though, was the waiting - Christmas didn't help. I ended up loaning my daughter my car for over two months, so it was ME who went without a car! Very annoying. Anyway, her car's fixed now, thank goodness.

Vic Jefferies
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Vic Jefferies » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:16 pm

It would be good to know the name of the insurance companies involved in causing the delays so that the rest of us can avoid them.Insurance is highly competitive today and i is often tempting to go with the cheapest but it is the service when you need it that counts in the long run. I haven't had problems but each time I ring to renew my insurance policies I always tell them the quote is too high and often receive a discount without argument.

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Dave Smith
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Dave Smith » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:32 pm

Yes insurance can be a problem but Brooke is lucky in as much as the chap involved has said he knows it was his fault and he will make up any short fall, but in the mean time Brooke is still cadging lifts or walking.

TTFN 8-)
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Irene » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:49 pm

Insurance companies seem to be able to make their own rules.
My husbands nephew and his partner work away, and recently came home to find a cupboard had fallen from where it was fixed on the wall. She had a heap of old, valuable crockery etc in it that got broken, as well as their computer and other things on the desk/cupboard beneath it. Their insurance company say they won't pay out because it was an accident, and they don't pay for accidents?!?!?!? :? Huh???? What do you have insurance for?????
But, out of the goodness of their heart, they will replace the computer - nothing else!!! Makes you wonder!!

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Bob Pacey
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Re: UnHappy Granddaughter

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:21 am

They are a world to their own Irene. Had an inground pool burst it's side on a slope and took out the motor and all fittings. After a four week wait they said, not covered and as they thought it was due to lack of maintanence. I told them a thing or two or three and as they had neglected to take any photos of the damage I queried their ruling ( In the strongest way ).

Lo and behold they ruled the liner was the fault and covered the lot. Makes you wonder how many people just accept what they say and move on.

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