Collaborative Poem 1 - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Terry » Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:37 am

And to keep the tale continuing...

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:14 am

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Dave Smith
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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Dave Smith » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:39 am

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew

The poor old Blue dog he lay down
Pretending he was dead
All this stuff his boss was dreaming
Was just doing in his head

Struth It's a long way to the top :shock:

TTFN 8-)
Last edited by Dave Smith on Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
I Keep Trying

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Dave Smith
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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Dave Smith » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:51 am

Hey Marty (warooa) D’ya Heather is in the line-dancing mob. :lol:

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying


Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Heather » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:05 pm

She's up the back belly dancing Dave. Can't you hear the jingles of the coin skirt?

I'll be away from the 'puter for a day or so - you just carry on without me you hear. I'll expect 10 pages of poem by the time I return.

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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Zondrae » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:11 pm

Bot oh Boy,

I've been peeling crabs (if that is that what you call de-shelling). Wayne went with a mate yesterday and netted enough for a good meal. The only trouble with crabs is they come packaged in a multi compartmented shell. It is worth the effort though.

Back to the poem. I'll need half an hour to read it but should have some time later.. Maybe. We have to watch Ryan this afternoon. Don't know how long his Mum will be so might be tonight before I get back.. lucky you are not waiting for me.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Heather » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:14 pm

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew

The poor old Blue dog he lay down
Pretending he was dead
All this stuff his boss was dreaming
Was just doing in his head

By now the sun was in the sky
and it was getting hot.
He prodded Blue to wake him up;
he’d best be on the trot.

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Dave Smith
Posts: 1726
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Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Dave Smith » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:41 pm

“Yoo Hoo Hello” Leonie Kym we’re over here having fun “Hello Hello” nah must be asleep
Oh well. :)

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying


Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Heather » Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:40 pm

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew

The poor old Blue dog he lay down
Pretending he was dead
All this stuff his boss was dreaming
Was just doing in his head

By now the sun was in the sky
and it was getting hot.
He prodded Blue to wake him up;
he’d best be on the trot.

The blue dogs ears prick up alert
the sound of strangers near
It's Marty P and some Bloke Mad Mick
Dropping in to have a beer
I will be off for the weekend Grooming for my young bloke at the NSW Carriage Driving Championships so will put my two cents worth in now and see what has happened when I get back

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew

The poor old Blue dog he lay down
Pretending he was dead
All this stuff his boss was dreaming
Was just doing in his head

By now the sun was in the sky
and it was getting hot.
He prodded Blue to wake him up;
he’d best be on the trot.

The blue dogs ears prick up alert
the sound of strangers near
It's Marty P and some Bloke Mad Mick
Dropping in to have a beer

He told them that they couldn’t stop
they should be on their way.
He didn’t have much beer to share
he said they couldn’t stay!

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Glenny Palmer
Posts: 1816
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:47 am

Re: Collaborative Poem - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

Post by Glenny Palmer » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:38 pm

Title - The Camp Fire Billy Boils

The ground was not too hard at least
the rocks were far between.
He made his camp above the creek
and now needed caffeine.

He was an old school bushman type
He'd travelled far and wide
His old ute was his fixed abode
His blue dog sat inside

He smelt the tang of cypress smoke
loved it’s astringent smell
and knew that all was right with him
and with his world as well.

But then his blue dog sat up straight
with telltale twitching jowl.
That cypress tang extinguished by
the dingo's mournful howl.

He threw a log on to the fire
and watched it crackle bright,
then turned his back towards the flames
and settled for the night.

Times they have gone
And years have gone too
The swaggies now gone
Will the drovers go too

Again blue growls at wild dog howls
that echo through the night.
Then settles by the fire once more
still ready for a fight

There came the sounds of running feet
approaching through the trees –
the air stopped still, the temp’rature
had dropped a few degrees.

A group of jogging line dancers
Dressed in cowboy gear
He asked, expecting answers
"What the hell they doing here?"

"We're jogging, jogging, jogging
'cause our campfire's just gone out;
but keep your distance, we've just had
a meal of sauerkraut!"

The bushman cleared his throat and sniffed
what was once pure, clean air.
He grabbed his swag, said, "Come on Blue,
we must get out of there".

He packed his gear, kicked out the fire
and went back to the house,
"Hey Mum you ought to tell them off,
they think I'm Mickey Mouse."

He headed back towards the bush
with dog and mum at hand -
they'd gathered up some instruments
and formed a hard rock band.

They learnt three chords and thrashed them out
the joggers danced in line,
as feedback from the P.A. made
the blue dog start to whine

The old bushies mum was still alive ?
we really were amazed
but they build them strong in Thologolong
se he wasnt really fazed

They build them strong
They build them tough
Now that’s not wrong
But dancing's rough

About this time the bushman
wakes up with a throbbing head.
and swears of booze for evermore,
he'll stick with tea instead.

puts Lapsang Souchong in the pot
more than enough for two.
He figured Mum would like a cup -
she loved that smoky brew

The poor old Blue dog he lay down
Pretending he was dead
All this stuff his boss was dreaming
Was just doing in his head

By now the sun was in the sky
and it was getting hot.
He prodded Blue to wake him up;
he’d best be on the trot.

The blue dogs ears prick up alert
the sound of strangers near
It's Marty P and some Bloke Mad Mick
Dropping in to have a beer

He told them that they couldn’t stop
they should be on their way.
He didn’t have much beer to share
he said they couldn’t stay!

It turned out that the bloody lot
were poets in disguise
so burnt bum billy, Blue and Bushie
shot through with the flies.
The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others.

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