H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

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Maureen K Clifford
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H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:38 pm

BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA ... Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

From the Granites down near Kingston to the land at Murray Bridge
is the Ngarrindjeri nation wild and free
A strip of land and lakes that is abundant with wildlife,
and it runs between the Coorong and the sea
When storms come in as oft they do the coastline takes a pounding
the sands are whipped with white water and spray,
as vicious winds attack the coast - all howling in a frenzy
and Pelicans glide fearlessly all day.

Thousands of Aussie pelicans call the Coorong their home
they feast on a variety of fish
like Lamprey and Congoli, Snapper and Mulloway
all tasty and a perfect Pelican dish.
Long nosed fur seals invade their space - they venture up the river -
traditional owners claim they need to cull
the seals, now inflicting damage on the pelicans - their totem,
and fishing nets as well as native Gull.

A pall of black smoke rolling in gives cause for consternation.
Taunta Hut Road, Deepwater under threat.
Some Gubba who was camping out left his fire unattended.
It's local folk and wildlife pay the debt.
A bending boobyalla bush dips gracefully and dances.
Its small white blossoms twinkle like a star
and Coorong seablites rich red stems create a brilliant contrast
fresh Aussie bush tucker here near and far.

Yunti Ngopun Ngame - come and walk the Pelican trail,
with the Ngarrindjerri owners of this land.
Open your hearts and listen - let its history filter in
of loved ancestors reinterred in the sand.
While above a flock of pelicans hovered just overhead
as wattle and tea tree smoke scented the air
driving away bad spirits, calling good ones to return
whilst a peaceful feeling welcomed all those there.

The Coorong is the gateway to the scenic Limestone Coast.
There's eighteen tribes that call the Coorong home.
It's lagoons are a sanctuary for animals and fish
and here Pelicans are safe to breed and roam.
Across the landscape sacred sites and middens tell of culture
and burial grounds hold ancients now at rest.
This area is beautiful and worthy of protection
a precious gift to all - nature's bequest.

**** Yunti Ngopun Ngami – the Ngarrindjeri phrase for ‘Together We Walk’
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Mar 20, 2021 5:21 pm

Wow! You've put a lot of research into this one Maureen! We have been to this area of Australia on our caravan travels. It certainly is a special place, as your word picture outlines.
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Terry » Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:01 pm

A lot of work went into this Maureen
As Shelley has already stated, you have really researched this one including its historical story.
You have also taken the time to delve into the story of the traditional owners of this area.

I have never been there myself, but you have given us here, a word sketch of how it is.


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Re: H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Ron » Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:40 am

Well done Maureen, I agree with Shelley and Terry there, a lot of collected history in your poem! Enjoyed the read!
Many years since I have been down that way, But I remember it well. Must do it again sometime.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:51 pm

Thank you for your kind comments everyone - I'm sure you know how much I love capturing our history in my poems and I am delighted that you saw the picture. I have never been there either but I always look at the photos I see of the area and every time I think how very beautiful it is.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: H/work for w. e. 5.4.21 - BETWEEN THE COORONG AND THE SEA

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:46 pm

Wow, Maureen, you've really taken me to a place I've never been here - so descriptive and informative. I wrote a poem "centuries ago" about pelicans on the lake up near The Entrance, but it sounds as if those numbers were a drop in the ocean compared to this area!

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