Gran's Last Wish.

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Gran's Last Wish.

Post by thestoryteller » Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:27 am


Our Gran, that’s on my mother’s side, was British born and raised,
until the age of ten it seems, then Gran was quite amazed
to find her mum and dad had planned to emigrate for good,
to Sydney in Australia and a brand new neighbourhood.

My mum was born in Sydney and she married there as well
and that is where she raised me, like, and by the way, I’m Nell.
Last year old Gran was eighty-five and sensed her time was near,
so planned on one last visit back to England late last year.

She stayed there for three months or more with her dear cousin Em
and e-mailed every Friday without fail ‘round 8 p.m.
Then suddenly the e-mails stopped, we heard from her no more,
till late last week the mailman dropped a package at our door.

The stamps were clearly British, so it seemed that Gran was well,
but when we saw the contents we were dumb-struck for a spell.
Inside we found two packets that were labelled Heinz Leek Soup
and that was all, no, nothing else, which stunned our family group.

We figured … well it seems to us … Gran fancies this Leek brew
and kindly sent a sample so that we could taste it too.
Mum added just a dash of cream to thicken it no doubt,
but after eating half of it we had to tip it out.

It tasted flaming terrible and failed to see how Gran
could recommend that soup from hell to all our Aussie clan.
To our surprise the Postman dropped a letter by next day,
again it was from England, so we read it straight away.

It was a note from cousin Em and this is what she said:
“Regret to have to tell you folk your dear old Gran is dead.
She passed away last Tuesday, but before she breathed her last
Gran told me her last wishes and so this is what has passed.

“We didn’t want to burden you with debt and all the fuss
of getting Gran back home you see, so it seemed clear to us,
if we had Gran cremated we could send her home to you
and save the legal rigmarole most other folk go through.

“We placed Gran in the soup packets, but in the rush I’d say,
forgot to put this letter in, though sent it off next day.
My heart goes out to all of you - your Gran was such a gem
and please forgive the mix-up folks. Yours truly, cousin Em.”

Some years ago I remembered hearing a news item relating to how this mix up occurred and I thought others might enjoy hearing the tale in verse.

From the book Keeping the Culture.
Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Gran's Last Wish.

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:44 am

Yeeech! I'm quite fond of leek soup - but I don't think I'll ever view it quite the same again!!! ;) :lol:

A good yarn, Merv!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
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Re: Gran's Last Wish.

Post by thestoryteller » Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:57 am

Sorry to put a damper on your leek soup Shelley. Lol.

Appreciate your sharing it with me.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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David Campbell
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Re: Gran's Last Wish.

Post by David Campbell » Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:42 am

Yep, a good yarn, Merv...but rather hard to swallow!


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Re: Gran's Last Wish.

Post by thestoryteller » Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:54 am

Actually came over the news as a news item David some years back. Always remembered it and decided to put it in verse.

I guess that's why they added the cream. Bit hard to swallow for them then.

Appreciate your sharing it.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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