Strike Me Pink

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Strike Me Pink

Post by Zondrae » Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:25 am

As the Medical procedure relating to blocked arteries of the heart has been mentioned in other posts, I thought I'd post this one.
I had a 'Stent' fitted a while back. Not too much fun as they forgot to give me the sedative befrore they started.

Strike Me Pink (in the style of CJ Dennis)
© Zondrae King (Corrimal) 09/07

They dragged me t tha city. Told me “otherwise you’ll die
a slow and painful death” they sez. “Well save me then.” sez I.
See it’s me art wot’s playin up n givin me the stick.
They put me in the ospital, to fix it up real quick.
It’s globs o fat wot’s bunchin up and cloggin all me veins.
They fix it with a wire, just like cleanin out ya drains.

The Doc comes in. Well strike me pink, e looks just 12 year old,
an nursie says “Now you lie back and do wot you are told”.
This Doctor kid’s Chinese I think or maybe e’s Malay.
I wish e wouldn’t grin at me and rub is ands that way
like e’s preparing dinner, or to carve the Sundee roast.
If I cud see a mirror I’d be whiter n a ghost.

At least e talks Austra’n good. I ear each word e sed.
“Don’t worry now.” e says to me and pats me on the ed.
The operatin room is next, the wardsman wheels me in.
There’s lights and screens and dials n Doc is gowned up to is chin.
They ooks me up to their machine and things start going ‘ping’.
It’s scary, like a UFO, and me ooked to the thing.

They ad me in this dressin gown wot opened down the rear
and paper undies, what a laugh, around me weddin gear.
Next thing I know e’s pokin’ in a tube right thru me vein
then squirtin in some magic dye n pulls it out again.
E points a finger at a screen n slowly rubs is chin.
Examines all the wiggley lines n sez, “We can begin.”

“Ah There’s the spot!” e tells the nurse o wears a gown and mask.
But wot e tries to show er I don’t ave tha nerve to ask.
“Aah, some sedation here I think” e says to er. Well gee,
if e needs some sedation, I ask, wot about poor me?
“A stent ill do the trick” e sez. Well what’s a flamin’ stent?
It helps tha blood flow to yer art. It’s like a wire tent.

A wire tent stuck in me veins. “Well strike me roan,” sez me.
“Oh don’t you worry now.” E sez n pats me on tha knee.
They place the stent n press it out and I don’t feel the best.
It’s like a flamin elephant is standin on me chest.
They use a scale from one t ten t elp describe tha pain.
Well blow their numbers. I doh wanna feel that crook again.

They tell me this ere doctor kid wots lookin after me
is ed Prafessa of the eart at Uni-vers-atee.
This stent e put inside me is like some macramé thing
except that it is made of special wire ‘stead a string.
E knows is job and es the best so I need ave no fears
cause after e is done I’ll last another 20 years.

I’m feelin much more like meself n back in me own digs.
I’m glad I didn’t need them valves they’re transplantin from pigs.
Instructions are: I exercise to elp improve me mood,
at least a alf an our a day, n av ta watch me food.
Rememberin ta take me pills’ll be an up ill battle.
But if it happens I should fall - well strike me pink, I’ll rattle.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:54 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Love it - this is so good - a little bottler.

Did they really not give you a sedation for that? OMG how could you have stood that -I would have screamed the place down - you are one brave lady. Hope you get at least another 20 years after that Mate - keep well. Getting older is a bitch isn't it?


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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by vwalla » Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:56 am

Obviously one of those occassions when you laugh about it later?! Much Later I would Think!
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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Zondrae » Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:01 pm

Yes, Maureen they forgot.

They did give me the local before they knifed the groin and slipped the tube (which is about 1 cm diametre by the way) into the artery. It was the sensation of the tube being pushed up the artery that made me ask... "Should I be feeling that quite so much?" and the Doc says, quite calmly.. "You did give this young lady her sedation, I hope". He was greeted with total silence.. followed by a few murmers of ''.. er, no, I didn't", "nor me".. so then I noiced some movement near the IV line and I felt that warm, comfortable feeling. I still was able to screw my neck around enough to see the screen. The next thing Doc was pointing to a spot and marking it before going round the whole heart and checking all the arteries. Then he came back to the blocked one and had a discussion with the head nurse as to weather one long or two short stents would be better. He decided on one. I did not have a heart attack but the artery was 80% blocked. When I came round after the whole proceedure, I felt like a train had run over me. or as stated in the poem.. an elephant was standing on my chest.

Next day I said to the nurses "gee, all that pain and I don't even get to take a baby home."
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:20 pm

Well fate has to be kind sometime Zondrae - would you have really wanted to take a baby home? :lol: :lol: :lol: Mind you I wouldn't mind the elephant but my yard is a bit small :?

I just think you are incredible stoic - very brave - Do hope all will now be well


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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Dave Smith » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:05 pm


I like this poem a very good description, one side of your brain is saying they are doing a good job the other side is doing a slow panic. I had a quad bypass in1996. A stent in 2004 and like you with out a sedative the Doc said I want you to be awake so you can tell me how you feel in case he had to change his tactics, like you said not much fun.

I said in one other post that it did not help me with poetry but it has not held you up at all hey.

Matryboy your right the alternative sucks.

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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Peely » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:52 am

G'day Zondrae

I saw a great performance of this poem by Jackie Warnock at the walk-ups in Tamworth on Wednesday. You would have been proud.


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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Zondrae » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:50 pm

Wish I could have been there.
I am just waitng for the day I hear someone do one of my poems. I have had a few people ask for my permission to recite a couple of different ones . Did you happen to speak to her about it? Did she get the words from this site? So many questions. Thanks John for letting me know.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Heather » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:00 pm

:lol: :lol: Very funny Zondrae - although I suppose it wasn't at the time. I'd love to see this performed.

Heather :)


Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:18 pm

Cheeze Heather, you've got a GREEN name now - are you important or something?? ;)

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