A Hellish trip

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A Hellish trip

Post by Irene » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:52 pm

Have just been down near Dunsborough for the weekend to help my daughter set up her new home. Beautiful day yesterday for moving gear - warm sunshine, no wind or rain (at least, for the bulk of the day!! :) )
Today was another story!! Miserable, cold and wet!! Set off for the 5 1/2 hr trip home at 1pm - right in time for the severe weather that was forecast - that I had missed knowing about by staying off the internet!! Driving out on the unprotected areas - thought my tourneou cover was going to go - along with the gear in the back of the ute! - as the wind caught it and lifted it so I couldn't see out my rear vision mirror, and driving along the tree'd areas - waiting to get hit by falling tree branches!! Winds of 140-147km/hr at Cape Naturaliste - just past where I left from. Next time I think I will just stay where I am, and not worry about getting home for work!!! :o

Driving with Nature
©Irene Conner 10.06.12

I peer through travel weary eyes
at driving rain and leaden skies;
at howling winds that pull and push,
and wend my way through broken bush
from trees that lie in twisted pain,
that never will stand tall again.
I watch a bird in stagnant flight –
the wind too strong for one so slight,
a tourneu cover lift and fill
with natures breath that slows me still.
At right a van flipped on its side,
abandoned on its stormy ride.
My wheel demands a focussed grip
in order to survive this trip.
A fleeting brush with natures best;
at journeys end – a welcome rest.
What goes around, comes around.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:02 am

You are a braver woman than I am Irene :lol: :lol: :lol: Seen on the news you have been copping it over your way. Stay safe - to hell with work, tomorrow is another day


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Neville Briggs
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Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:40 am

Thanks Irene. Enjoy the rest of your day :)
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Dave Smith
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Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Dave Smith » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:46 am

G’day Irene,
You drove home through yesterdays storm! Sheeze mate. As you know we live mid way between Perth and Cape Naturalist and 50 k from the coast up in the hills, we lost the cover off our caravan, the power went out at 3pm was off for 8 or 9 hrs so after cold cuts for tea we were in bed by just gone 8, in the after noon we were watching out our front windows and saw the fence of the motel across the road peel off one sheet at a time and fly away, lucky for us the wind was coming from behind us.

Our two daughters have houses on the coast one either side of Bunbury, the one on the south side at Dalyellup copped the most as the storm came over the sand hills flattened her side fence raced between their house and the neighbours, blew in the back door of their garage took out a 6m roller door at the front.

The one on the North side had been in town when it hit and found the road into their estate closed with trees down and general chaos, they had to back track and four wheel drive to get home, to find the shed for their pool pump all ripped apart and their new-planted garden (roses etc) all by their back fence, the dogs hiding in a box on patio.

As well as all the wind we had 50mm of rain, all the vegie seedlings are looking good.

No one got hurt and you got home safe “Good A”

TTFN A cold n wet 8-)
I Keep Trying


Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Rimeriter » Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:44 pm

Thank goodness Irene.

Isn't it beaut that lifes (little) adventures provide the grist to put together terrific pieces such as your
Hellish trip.

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Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Irene » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:16 pm

Thanks Maureen and Nevilee - I will certainly be staying put next time, I can tell you! :lol:

Yep Dave - sure did drive through it!!
As you know, the worst of the winds hit around 2ish - right about the time I was approaching Bunbury, and heading toward Kwinana on my way to Perth. Bunbury to Kwinana copped the worst of it - and it was certainly an interesting drive!! Wasn't sure which I preferred - driving on the clear areas where there was no windbreak, or driving beside the tree lines - which broke the wind, but put you at risk of falling tree branches! Saw about 4 guys on motorbikes along the way - slowest I've ever seen a motorbike drive - just off the main lane. Felt rather sorry for them - I certainly wouldn't have liked to be trying to hold a bike up in those winds.

Yeah Jim - a golden kernal in every experience!! :D

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Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Robyn » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:18 pm

Dreadful trips, but good poem.
Stay safe IRene.
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

Dennis N O'Brien

Re: A Hellish trip

Post by Dennis N O'Brien » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:59 am

Sounds like a very rough trip but a nice poem.
It's an ill wind that blows no good. :)

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