Little Church

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Little Church

Post by Irene » Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:09 pm

Yes!! For the first time in a long time, I had that feeling of needing to get words down on paper!! It isn't much but it is lovely to have that feeling once again -however briefly! Amazing what being a passenger on a long journey can encourage! :)

Little Church
Irene Conner 06.04.2012

Little Church, you sit forgotten,
windows covered, front door barred.
Does your heart still beat within you -
many memories to guard?
Held in trust for generations
who will value their foundations,
who will search for all the pictures
you are loathful to discard.

Little Church, does joyful music
still sound vibrant in your ears?
Has the comradeship of families
been passed down through the years?
Are you hopeful, in the future,
hands, with love, will gently suture
golden memories together
in a quilt of love and tears?

Little Church you hold the dreamtime
of a future yet to come.
May your stories lure them steady
like the beating of a drum.
May your heart continue beating
for the years are ever fleeting;
one day soon your doors will open -
Little Church - do not succumb!
Last edited by Irene on Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What goes around, comes around.

Neville Briggs
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Re: Little Church

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:13 pm

Great Irene, good to see.Now that you have started, you'll be off and running :)
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Little Church

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:50 pm

Just rolls along at a great amble Irene.

Check Little in the last verse typo.

Cheers Bob
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Re: Little Church

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:30 pm

Good on you Irene, pleased to see you've uncapped the pen again; always enjoy anything you write.


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Re: Little Church

Post by Irene » Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:53 pm

Neville - I don't know about off and running!! The thoughts are not committing themselves to paper!!

Thanks Bob - was typing it up on my iphone in the car. Do you know how hard it is to hit the right key on one of those when you are going over rough country bitumen??? And that flamin' spell correction!! Puts all sorts of words in that you don't want!!

Thanks Terry - I had lots of ideas while I was away, but couldn't convert them!! Was too busy doing the Nana thing, while everyone else was swimming, surfing, fishing, etc, etc!!

Marty, it was just one of those such churches I was trying to capture.
Mind you, I didn't plan to write it then. I had taken a photo a week before of a little old church at Greenough with the thought that one day I might write about it. But on the way down to Hopetoun, I woke from a doze thinking about an old church in the main street of Quairading (don't know where that picture came from - because I haven't driven down their main street!! But we were heading that way!!) when the first line of the poem popped into my head. And so it happened!!
I always think it is such a shame when you see old abandoned buildings - they have so much history attached to them, which often just crumbles away with the foundations. I always hope that one day, someone will take an interest, before the building succumbs to the ravages of time.

Although it is not much of a poem, it was just so great to feel that urge to put words down again!! I love that feeling, and the sense of satisfaction when you have finished!! I had almost forgotten what it felt like! :roll: :)

What goes around, comes around.

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Little Church

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:15 pm

Lovely, Irene.
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Re: Little Church

Post by Robyn » Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:49 pm

Well done Irene. Don't stop now! :)
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

Dennis N O'Brien

Re: Little Church

Post by Dennis N O'Brien » Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:07 pm

Well written Irene.

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