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Post by Zondrae » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:21 am

We had the topic 'Charity' for our homework one week and I could not go past one of the members of IBP, my friend Noel Causer. This is my homework, which took out the DPA for the week.

© Zondrae King (Corrimal) 08/09

The meals on wheels delivered are too numerous to count.
There’s never been an obstacle to high for him to mount.
He helped out fire victims and brought some up to our coast.
Whenever he is needed that is when he helps the most.

He stays on farms and tends the stock if farmers need a rest
and helps arrange their holiday. That’s what he does the best.
Then not content with local work he goes to build a fence
and why others don’t join the team, to him just makes no sense.

He’s always helping people. Has no time to feel his age
and all this is for charity. He never gets a wage.
He’s in the local Rotary and answers every toll.
He hopes St Peter writes his name down on the final roll.

He’ll drive you to the Doctor’s room and patiently he’ll wait
to take you home and even then he’ll help you through your gate.
He never goes back on his word. He always runs the race
and though he has passed seventy, he never slows his pace.

He wonders who will take his place for young ones seem to fail.
Distractions are on every side. He’s sure they’ll end in jail.
So now he’s found a pastime writing poetry with rhyme
but in between his other things he barely has the time.

He hurries through his poem while he fumbles with his keys,
when hidden in his pocket you would think them rosaries.
Who is this man, so talented, whose virtues I extol.
We see him every Wednesday. He is our dear friend Noel.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: 'Charity'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:50 pm

Wonderful tribute Zondrae very obviously well deserved by the recipient.

Good on you Noel you are an inspiration. How privileged people must be to have you as a friend, a neighbour and part of their community - makes me want to head down in your direction - I reckon folks would feel pretty secure with your around. Well done.

Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: 'Charity'

Post by Zondrae » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:07 pm

G'day Maureen (Happy New Year).

Yes, Noel is a gem. He is already 79. But to look at him you would say about 67/68 maybe. Softly spoken but gets things done. He brings a neighbour (who is 83) to poetry with him, every Wednesday morning and has a wicked sense of humour.
He was involved with - not only going in person, to help build fences around burnt out properties after the Victoran fires, but also arranging for famlies to have a free holiday here in lovely beachside East Corrimal. We have a resort style holiday park that fronts a pristine 5 mile long beach. The family not only had their travel and accommodation paid for them but activities too. from rides through the surf by the Lifesavers in their Rubber Duckie, and rides on a fire engine - went to the new Illawarra Eye (a tree top walk and observation deck on the top of the nearby Escarpment) this activity is so new that hardly any locals have tried it out yet. They went to Jamberoo Water park, the Movies, and many more things I can't recall.

One of the families belonged to MadMick (a member of this site). Noel and I met them and spent time looking at their heartbreaking photos. (The children are delightful.) Mick had sent the family and his two trucks to safety and than returned himself. He was involved in a very risky retrival of a mates car. Mick lost his home, garden, two large sheds full of spare parts, tyres and tools that Mick used to maintain his trucks. There was a pile of wire in one shot that Mick told us had once been brand new tyres that cost a fortune.

One of the other families were the ones who survived the fire by hiding in a shipping container. Only the door was visible, all the rest had been dug into the side of a hill and well covered with earth. Excellent forward thinking by the landowner. All the children we met were obviously traumatised. I believe Mick and his family are currently touring around Australia in their motor home. (or caravan ?)
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: 'Charity'

Post by MadMick » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:16 pm

Zondrae I only wish I'd said all that myself.
Noel is not just one kind person, he consists of the very best of everyone we know. If a light shines on the darkest of nights, Noel is the one holding it up. His generosity, kindness and gentle soul will never be forgotten by our families and many others. If i might be a tiny fraction of the man he is, I could die happy in the knowledge that I have made some small contribution.
You yourself Zondrae also played a part in helping others, so please don't leave yourself out by any means. The kindness you all showed us is proof that the world has a long way to go to reach the daily doom and gloom that gets reported on the news each and every night.
We were hoping to head your way for a surprise visit but the purchase of a new venture has forced us to change plans.
Kindest regards to you all.

P.S Tell Noel he's not much chop on a wheelbarrow!

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Re: 'Charity'

Post by Zondrae » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:07 am

g'day Mick,

What a wonderful way to start a New Year. Thanks for the contact. All the best in your new veture, whatever it is. It is great to hear from you. I'll pass the news along to Noel. Now I hope you can find a minute to post some of your poems that were on the old site. I would like to read some of the tender ones again
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Re: 'Charity'

Post by Zondrae » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:00 am


Sadly our dear friend Noel is in poor health. He had part of his liver removed about 12 months ago and now as several sinister patches in his lungs. He is yet to undergo any chemo or radiation therapy as these do not hold any chance of a cure.
He is still putting others first having, just a few weeks back, been involved with his favourite activity through the Rotary club, of hosting a farming family for a holiday by the sea.
He has been able to attend some of our IBP gatherings, though not placing a priority on being there for 7am.

Good on you mate. Lets hope you battle on (he says he doesn't feel like he is terminal) for many months yet.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Neville Briggs
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Re: 'Charity'

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:13 am

Sorry to hear that Zondrae. GIve him our regards and well wishes.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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