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Post by Irene » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:49 am

I could get quite addicted to this walking in the evening/night!! I have always loved being out in the fresh air, and beauty of the nights, but have re-discovered what wonderful therapy it is to go walking after a long, stressful day at work!! Brings you back to a good place. I head off feeling very reluctant, because I feel knackered, and just want to chill out, but once I get going, I don't want to stop!!!
Most nights I walk after 9 or 10pm, but the other night, I was home to walk at sunset.


Westward sinks the golden orb behind the shadowed trees;
It's warmth recedes as coolness creeps across the land and seas.
Eastward's painted blues and mauves which shrouds the cooling earth
as eventide creeps slowly in to herald night times’ birth.

Distant sounds the ocean tide upon the whitewashed sand
And silence hangs like feathers, wrapped around me where I stand.
Slowly flicks a hidden star, its light prepares to shine,
the soul within its mystic realm reflected now in mine.

Footfalls whisper gentle as I walk on down the road
and woodsmoke drifts enticingly as night-time scents explode.
Peace, with stealth, invades my mind and stills the thoughts that race,
and slowly, oh so slowly, guides me to a better place.
What goes around, comes around.


Re: Eventide

Post by Leonie » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:22 am

Beautiful Irene, as always.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Eventide

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:35 am

Magic - definitely takes you to a better place, the peacefulness of your words and your walk....but can't help but wonder are you safe doing that walking at that time of night? Stay safe Mate.


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Re: Eventide

Post by mummsie » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:38 am

Beautiful Irene, captivating, had the reader right there with you, loved it.
Sometimes at days end, time out is just what the doctor ordered, this sounds like a prescription to cure any woes.
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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Eventide

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:43 am

Lovely poem, Irene.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: Eventide

Post by Irene » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:49 am

Thank you Leonie, Maureen and Mummsie - it certainly is a great way to end the day!! We have had a lot of upheaval at work lately with computer issues (I think I am getting to know our IT guys over there in Brisbane very well by now - I seem to be talking to them every day!!! :lol: ) and that, on top of very busy days at the best of times, leaves me quite tired and frustrated at the end of the day!
Maureen, I live 10kms out of town on 10 acres, so I am away from the rat race and the dangers!! That is why it is so beautiful at night, because, most times when I walk, the others who do live around me on similar sized blocks, are tucked up inside!! ;) However, I don't always walk out on the roads, sometimes I just walk around our block and the empty block next door - depends on how dark it is!! :o


Thank you Stephen - you slipped your post in while I was writing!! :)
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Re: Eventide

Post by Zondrae » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:32 am

G'day Irene,

Lovely writing. I was a little concerned when you said you went walking in the dark. But you have explained where you are. No threats from passing hoones, like in the big smoke. I remember when I was a kid we walked alone, to or from the bus stop at night, with no thought of danger. I would be concerned to walk that way, on my own, even in daylight these days.

I am so busy these days I don't get to comment on many poems but I couldn't let this one go by. You know how I love the night sky. It is a very atmospheric and relaxing piece. I'm sure you are more than happy with the result.
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Re: Eventide

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:30 pm

Can relate to the out of town and the night sky bit Irene. Don't the stars seem so much brighter. Not into the Walking bit though. Just lie on the car bonnet with a pillow and dreammmmmm . Oh and of course the rum and cola seems to add a whole new touch.

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Re: Eventide

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:57 pm

I like your poem Irene. I visited WA some years ago, couldn't get used to sunset over the ocean , back to front .... :D
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Re: Eventide

Post by Irene » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:05 pm

No, no, no Neville!!! You have it wrong!! It is you people on the east coast who have the sunset the wrong way around!!! :o
I went looking for an ocean sunset when I was over there last year - difficult to find!!

Bob, don't worry, I used to do the 'laying on the bonnet of the ute' thing and enjoy the stars also!! Still do, but it's a bit cold these nights, so have to wait until it warms up agains!! :D

Zondrae - yes, your love of the night sky comes through in many of your poems. I really love your poem that I read on the full moon dinner at the Pinnacles in Cervantes a couple of years ago!!
It is just so magical, isn't it??

What goes around, comes around.

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